Spring 2025 Schedule
- Dr. Amy Blair, Department of English, Marquette University
Tasting and Testing Books: "Good Housekeeping," Popular Modernism, and Middlebrow Reading (Book Launch)
Thursday, January 23, 4 p.m., Cudahy 118
- Dr. Sergio González, Department of History, Marquette University
Strangers No Longer: Latino Belonging and Faith in Twentieth-Century Wisconsin (Book Talk)
Thursday, February 27, 4 p.m., Marquette Hall 105
- Dr. Javiera Perez Gomez, Department of Philosophy, Marquette University
Wednesday, April 9, 4 p.m., Marquette Hall 105
Fall 2024 Schedule
- Dr. Douglas E. Christie, 2024-25 Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar & Professor Emeritus, Theological Studies, Loyola Marymount University **
• "Thinking Like a Mountain: Contemplative Ecology in the Anthropocene,"
Tuesday, October 1, 4 p.m., Beaumier Suites, Raynor Library, and
via Teams
• "Contemplative Practice in an Age of Distraction" (Discussion),
Wednesday, October 2, 2 p.m., Lalumiere 232
** Co-sponsored by Marquette's chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the Center
for the Advancement of the Humanities, the Marquette Core Curriculum,
the University Honors Program, and the Departments of English and
- Rev. Joseph Simmons, S.J., D.Phil.
Department of Theology, Marquette University
Thursday, October 24, 4 p.m., Marquette Hall 105, and via Teams
"A Pope's Hope for the Humanities: Reading Francis's Love Letter to Literature"