Marquette's Model UN Chapter

Delegates Attend ChoMUN; Chicago's Collegiate Conference
The Marquette MUN Chapter was well represented with nine delegates attending the annual Collegiate MUN Conference at the University of Chicago. Over the weekend of April 16th and 17th, approximately 20 schools from around the country took part in a simulation of the UN General Assembly wherein students debate topics such as global health, climate change, and gender equality issues in countries around the globe. As this was the first in-person for many MUN delegates, Marquette's nine delegates did quite well all in all.
Boasting 25 members in all, the Marquette chapter is now pivoting and preparing for the Mock MUN scheduled for April 20th, 2022. MUN students pursue degrees in a wide variety of disciplines; not just international affairs. For questions regarding the chapter, visit Marquette's Model UN Chapter website or complete the MUN interest form. You can also follow Marquette Model UN on Instagram.

(All photos courtesy of Will Eikenbary.)