Protocol for Hiring Jesuits


There are two routes through which the names of Jesuits surface as possible candidates for positions at Marquette. The first is a database, maintained by the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU) and published each fall, listing men who are scheduled to finish their terminal degrees in the next several years. The second means of surfacing candidates is through direct, personal contact with Jesuits already serving in universities who, for a variety of reasons, may have an interest in coming to Marquette.

There is a formal agreement among Jesuit Provincials in the United States that requires men who are seeking their first assignment in higher education to apply to a minimum of three Jesuit universities. If the candidate is offered a position at all of schools to which he applied, he will engage in a conversation (discernment) with his Provincial Superior about the best use of his talents and the needs of each institution. The Provincial Superior makes the final decision regarding where to assign the Jesuit (i.e. which position he will accept).

Jesuits already involved in higher education also must seek the provincial’s permission to consider assignment at another institution. Reasons for such a move vary. The Jesuit may be drawn to working with a cluster of faculty members in his particular research area, feeling that such collaboration would increase his scholarly productivity and depth. He may want to teach additional courses at the graduate level or live in a Jesuit community that is better suited to his needs. Or he may, after long service at another university, simply need a change.

The Jesuit Recruitment Committee

The Marquette University Jesuit Recruitment Committee, chaired by Rev. James Voiss, S.J., is composed of Jesuit and non-Jesuit members, selected through the Office of Mission and Ministry. Their task is to track Jesuits who might be suitable to work in the university (academic and non-academic) administrators and search committees. Consultation with the Jesuit Recruitment Committee is a requirement in every faculty and administrative hiring process.


A common obstacle to hiring Jesuits is that the hiring time line of the department is not always synchronous with the availability of the Jesuit whom they would like to pursue. Administrators are encouraged to think ahead with respect to potential candidates and maintain contact with them (by phone or letter, through campus visits, etc.) well ahead of the actual search to fill a position.

If short or long-term bridge funding is required to pay a Jesuit until a permanent line is open, or if the position in question is wholly or partially unfunded, then the hiring administrator must, with the approval of his/her dean or vice president, submit a request for funding to the Office of Mission and Ministry. The Office of Mission and Ministry will act in such circumstances as a liaison between the hiring administrator and the Vice President for Finance. No Jesuit should be invited to interview at Marquette until the position for which he is interviewing has been fully funded.

When a Jesuit is interviewed for position at the university, two considerations come into play: Marquette’s Affirmative Action policy for members of the Society of Jesus and the candidate’s professional and personal suitability for the position.


Rev. James Voiss, S.J.
Vice President, Mission and Ministry
(414) 288-6453

Arranging a Visit

All invitations to Jesuit candidates and organization of interview schedules should be generated by the hiring administrator. Once the date of a visit is determined, the hiring administrator should inform Father Voiss in the Office of Mission and Ministry of the candidate’s visit. The office will assist in coordinating all Jesuit-related aspects of the candidate’s visit.

In order to meet fellow Jesuits and get a sense of Jesuit community life at Marquette, the customary place for a candidate to stay during a campus visit is the Dr. E. J. O’Brien Jesuit Residence (1345 W. Wells St.). Housing arrangements should be made through the Office of Mission and Ministry. The cost of meals eaten by the candidate at the Jesuit Residence will be covered by the Jesuit community, but all other meals and expenses will be born by the host department. Occasionally, special arrangements for financial assistance may be made through the Office of Mission and Ministry.

Meeting Jesuits

Hiring administrators should contact Rev. James Voiss, S.J. in advance of the visit to assist with scheduling the following meetings for all Jesuit candidates:

Jesuit candidates visiting campus on a Tuesday should have an opportunity to participate in the Jesuit community mass at 5:10 p.m.