Simmons Religious Commitment Fund

Established in memory of Edward D. Simmons, this fund, administered by the Office of Mission and Ministry, provides support to projects designed to advance the mission of Marquette University. It does so through Targeted Grants and through Faculty Mission Integration Fellowships.


Faculty Mission Integration Fellowships (FMIFs)

Faculty Mission Integration Fellowships (FMIFs) enable faculty to deepen their understanding of mission at Marquette by means of a course buyout so that they can develop programming to advance mission integration in a particular area of interest. Topics addressed by our first cohort include:

Other possibilities might include:

The range of possibilities is virtually endless.  Special consideration is given to proposals which are interdisciplinary, collaborative, promote diversity, advance formation of hearts and minds and are scalable. Depending on the proposal, FMIFs may be for one or two semesters.

FMIFs will require that faculty participate in a bi-weekly study group with other FMIF faculty and one or more Jesuits. These study groups will provide a forum for discussing readings related to Jesuit mission, the relevance of Jesuit sources to their projects, and refinement of the program(s)/event(s) prior to launch. Projects will produce (a) program(s)/event(s) to be executed within the time of the fellowship. The program(s) or event(s) will then become available for use or adaptation by the Office of Mission and Ministry and/or other members of the Marquette University community to further integrate mission into the life of the university. Subsequent use of the faculty member's project will be credited each time it is used. FMIF Guidelines

To apply for a fellowship, please follow the link to the guidelines for either Targeted Grants or Faculty Mission Integration Fellowships. If you have any questions, please contact Fr. Jim Pribek, S.J., at or at (414) 288-1780.


Targeted Grants (TG)

Targeted Grants (TG) up to $2000 are available for programs or events which deepen the Catholic, Jesuit identity of Marquette University. Because the grants are relatively small, it is essential that the funds be clearly targeted toward faith, excellence, leadership, and service. Proposals that are interdisciplinary, interdepartmental, promote diversity, or focus on formation of hears and minds will receive special consideration. No more than two TG proposals from any given department may be submitted per semester. Targeted Guidelines