Open Houses

Virtual Open House

In the coming months, the Department of Occupational Therapy will be offering virtual Open Houses. Please stay tuned for the dates for these events.
Join us to learn about this holistic profession and the significant impact you can make in the lives of others. Meet our esteemed faculty, participate in a Q & A, and discover details about our Introduction to Occupational Therapy course.


In-Person Open House

In the coming months, the Department of Occupational Therapy will be offering in-person Open Houses for Marquette students. Please stay tuned for the dates for these events.
Join us to learn about this holistic profession and the significant impact you can make in the lives of others. Meet our esteemed faculty, partcipate in a Q & A, and discover details about our Introduction to Occupational Therapy course. We will also present details about our 3 + 3 program, which offers Marquete undergraduates and opportunity to begin the Occupational Therapy Doctoral (OTD) program in their senior year, completing a bachelor’s degree and doctoral degree in six years instead of seven!


One-On-One Virtual Q & A

The Department of Occupational Therapy is also offering a one-on-one virtual Q & A opportunity with a faculty member, for anyone who is interested in learning more about our program and our admissions process. We are also offering campus visits to tour our building, and have an opportunity to meet with professors and current OTD students. If you are interested in either, please email to arrange an appointment.