Michael Danduran, PhD

Michael Danduran, PhD
Michael Danduran, PhDMarquette University

Cramer Hall, 215E

MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
(414) 288-6685

Clinical Professor

Exercise Science

Michael Danduran studied at Colorado State University for his undergraduate degree in Sports Medicine. In 1995, he earned his Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology from Minnesota State University, Mankato. Dr. Danduran has decades of clinical experience within the field of pediatric cardiopulmonary exercise testing, evaluation, and prescription at both Children’s Memorial Center, Chicago, Illinois (1995-2002) and Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin (2002 to present), where he currently holds the position of Senior Exercise Physiologist at the Herma Heart Center. He has helped develop a center that has grown from 200 studies a year to over 1000 studies a year. He also helps direct the student internship program at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. Working in this clinical space helps inspire and inform his research work with individuals who have undergone the Fontan procedure.

Dr. Danduran’s areas of interests have been in pediatrics, individuals with congenital heart disease, exercise rehabilitation and prescription in chronic illness, and measures of non-invasive cardiac testing options. He joined the Marquette Physical Therapy Department faculty as an Adjunct Clinical Instructor in 2004 and an Assistant Clinical Professor in 2012.


  • Ph.D., Clinical and Translational Rehabilitation Health Science, Dec 2024, Marquette University
    • Dissertation: "Muscle contributions to cardiac function and exercise abilities in patients with Fontan"
  • M.S., Exercise Physiology, June 1995, Minnesota State University
    • Master Thesis: “Effects of Caffeine following Glycogen Depletion in Elite Cyclist”
  • B.S., Sports Medicine, June 1993, Colorado State University

Courses Taught

  • EXPH 1001: Introduction to Exercise Science
  • EXPH 2045/46: Principles of Human Physiology and Lab
  • EXPH 3200: Clinical Exercise Physiology
  • EXPH 4187/5187: Exercise Physiology for Special Populations
  • Elective Topics: Pediatric Exercise Physiology, Congenital Heart Disease

Professional Affiliations

  • American College of Sports Medicine