Governing Councils


Interfraternity Council (IFC) Officers (Social Fraternities):

President - Jimmy Helm
Vice President of Judicial Affairs - Pat Kelly
Vice President of Programming - Andrew Parra
Vice President of Recruitment - Tim Gnorski
Vice President of Finance - Joe Griffiths
Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion - Wade Chaffee
Vice President of Health and Safety - Carter Collins
Vice President of Outreach/Service/Philanthropy -Tim Casper
Vice President of Scholarship  - Blake Deger



Panhellenic Association (PHA) Officers (Social Sororities):

President - Lizzie O’Brien
Vice President of Peer Accountability - Emma Bronikowski
Vice President of Membership Operations - Alyssa Vreeman
Vice President of Membership Programming - Kristina Paskis
Vice President of Programming - Cami Basadre
Vice President of Finance - Kaitlyn Deakins
Vice President of Scholarship and Service - Olivia Conte
Vice President of Public Relations - Bridget Lisle
Vice President of Communications - Samantha Casey
  Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Nina Reodica



National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) Officers:

President - Savieon Weatherford
Vice President - Terry Gordon
Secretary - Gabby Shoulders
Treasurer - Chyna Jiles
Parliamentarian - Unique Wilson
Event Coordinator - 
  Fundraising Chair - 
  Social Media Coordinator - Zaida Dangerfield



Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) Officers:

President - Leila Hernandez Salinas
Vice President - Jazmin Muro
Secretary - Cecilia Mercado Martin
Treasurer - Yesina Arreola
Social External - Jayra Hernandez
  Community Service - Sara Carillo