Student Organization Funding (SOF)
Student Organization Funding (SOF) is a process where student organizations and club sports can apply to receive funding for events and initiatives. This funding is made available every academic year and is funded by a portion of the Student Activity Fee, paid each semester by each full time undergraduate student. SOF is a rolling process, which means allocations will be reviewed throughout the semester. Funds are limited and are allocated until depletion. Any request that is above $2,500 MUST be reviewed and voted on by Senate. If your request is $2,500 or higher, be prepared to attend a senate meeting and provide rationale for your request. Senate meets Mondays from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. See timelines below for planning purposes.
As a reminder you MUST apply at least 14 days before your event. Any requests made outside of that 14 day window may be rejected.
Apply for Funding
Funding timelines
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Timeline for fall 2024 semester
Monday, 8/26/2024
Funding Application form opens for requests made in fall semester
NOTE: You can request funding in fall for events held in spring, but we close the form near the end of the semester in anticipation of winter break (during which MUSG is closed)
Monday, 8/26/24
SOF Training: Attendance required to receive funding
Noon, AMU 157
Wednesday, 8/28/24
SOF Training: Attendance required to receive funding
Noon, AMU 163
Thursday, 8/29/24
SOF Training: Attendance required to receive funding
3 p.m., AMU 157
Friday, 8/30/24
SOF Training: Attendance required to receive funding
2 p.m., AMU 163
Sunday, 11/24/2024
Funding Application form closes until spring semester
Week of 11/24/2024
Last SOF Committee meeting for fall semester
Timeline for Spring 2025 semester
Funding Application form opens for requests made in spring semester
Funding Application form closes for the academic year.
NOTE: If you have conference travel that occurs over summer, we can only fund items that can be paid for prior to June 15 as the fiscal year closes end of June, and we cannot take money from the next fiscal year to fund a summer conference. Thus, we can only fund things pre-paid, and reimbursements must be wrapped up by June 20.
Week of 4/20/2025
Last SOF committee meeting for academic year.
Last day to submit reimbursement form and proof of payment documentation for requests made April 25 through end of semester.
- Complete required training. Training occurred the first week of fall semester. If you missed this, please reach out to In the interim, review the SOF training slide deck that explains how SOF works.
- Fill out the SOF Expense Sheet. Note: do not alter the sheet. It is formatted to calculate the total cost of items based on quantity. You will upload this expense sheet to the funding application form on Presence.
- Apply for funds. (Must be 14 days prior to event and/or purchase.)
- Wait for response from the SOF committee. They will meet weekly once classes are in session but not during break periods, and it may take a week (sometimes longer) to get a response. When decision have been made you will get an email outlining the funding decision.
- Hold your event/purchase goods. Save your receipts!
- Fill out a reimbursement form and upload proof of payment.
Per MUSG's financial policies, organizations must have their financial officer trained in order to apply for funding. Fall training dates have concluded. If you missed this, please reach out to In the interim, review the SOF training slide deck that explains how SOF works.
Because funding is derived from the student activity fee (paid by all full time undergraduate students), MUSG makes every effort to be good stewards of those funds and has developed policies to that work toward allocating monies in ways that equitably serve the student body. Some items cannot be funded.
Please read through these policies carefully. Most importantly, you must regularly review our funding policies in the required training link below. Whether you read them or not, we will hold you and your organization accountable to them. We never want to take action against your organization to enforce these policies, but to ensure the integrity of our process, we have to uphold these as fairly and equitably as possible.
About the Up-front Funding Option
If an organization does not have the funds to pay for goods/service, up-front funding may be available. Typically this takes time to facilitate, so please plan ahead and submit your funding request well in advance (at least 3 weeks). Please review the following guidelines:
- Up-front funding can only be done for goods and services that can be paid for via the university's purchasing system with approved vendors or with businesses that can accept credit card payments. Venmo payments or other payment platforms are NOT possible. (NOTE: Amazon is an approved vendor, but not all goods on Amazon are available to purchase through Marquette; some items are restricted.)
- Up-front funding is NOT available for rental car fees. Organization will have to pay for these charges themselves and get reimbursed. (See the reimbursement form link above.)
- Up-front funding is NOT available for AirBnB or Vrbo.
- Hotels are possible for up-front funding, but there is a process to facilitate a payment authorization with the hotel. Only room fees can be paid for. Organizations are responsible for incidentals and will have to furnish a credit card to the hotel to bill for incidentals.
- Conference/tournament fees can be paid for up-front ONLY if payment can be made by credit card.
SOF is intended to help alleviate some of the financial burdens student organizations may have when it comes to funding events/activities. Funding is never guaranteed and student organizations must meet the necessary requirements to be considered for funding.
A final note: Funding is limited. MUSG does not have enough funds to cover all requests that we may receive (given that we have around 275 organizations). Please know that a small award is not necessarily a reflection of the quality of your application or the importance of your programming. We hope that whatever we can provide is helpful to you.