College Contacts

Below is a list of contacts that should be able to answer any questions you have regarding summer studies.

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Klingler College of Arts and Sciences

Arts & Sciences Advising Center
Sensenbrenner Hall, Room 005
(414) 288-5989

College of Business Administration

Beth Krey, M.Ed.
Assist. Dean for Undergraduate Programs
(414) 288-7142

Diederich College of Communication

Dr. Kati Berg
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
(414) 288-1401

College of Education

Tina McNamara
Assist. Dean Undergraduate Advising & Student Services
(414) 288-6981

Opus College of Engineering

Engineering Academic Advising Center
Haggerty Hall, Room 280
(414) 288-6000

College of Health Sciences

Michelle Schuh
Assistant Dean
(414) 288-5053

College of Nursing

Dr. Madeline Schmidt
Assistant Dean

Financial Aid

Marquette Central
(414) 288-4000
Marquette Central
Stop at Zilber Hall, 1250 W. Wisc. Ave