OIRA's public reports provide official statistics about the university across a range of topics. To access OIRA's internal reports, which are restricted to Marquette faculty and staff, please visit the DataMarq Report Catalog. If you are a member of the public and cannot find what you need in the reports below, feel free to submit a data information request.   

Student Enrollment

Headcount & Full-Time Equivalent Headcount

Interactive report showing the number of students enrolled at Marquette in each academic term.

Majors, Minors, & Graduate Programs

Interactive report with data on the number of students enrolled in each major, minor, and graduate program.

New Undergraduate First-Time Students

Interactive report with data on the composition of each cohort of new undergraduate students.                                        

Course Enrollment

Course Enrollment & Student Credit Hours

Interactive report with data on course enrollment, student credit hours (SCH), class sections, and class sizes.

Student Outcomes

Degrees Awarded

Interactive report with data on the number of degrees awarded by Marquette. 

Retention & Graduation Rates 

Interactive report with data on undergraduate students' retention and graduation rates.   

Student Surveys

First Destination: Graduate, by Program

Interactive report with data on recent graduate degree recipients' employment and educational outcomes.

First Destination: Undergraduate, by College

Interactive report with data on recent bachelor's degree recipients' employment and educational outcomes, by college.

First Destination: Undergraduate, by Major

Interactive report with data on recent bachelor's degree recipients' employment and educational outcomes, by major.

Additional Institutional Survey Results

PDFs summarizing results from Marquette's institutional surveys.

Faculty & Staff


Interactive report with data on Marquette employees (faculty and staff).


Interactive report with data on Marquette faculty.

Faculty & Staff Kudos

Database of graduating seniors' reponses to the question, "Who had the greatest positive influence on your Marquette experience?"

Diversity & Inclusion


Interactive report with data on the gender and racial/ethnic composition of Marquette's students, faculty, and staff. 


Interactive report with data on retention rates, graduation rates, and degrees awarded, by gender and race/ethnicity.

Additional Resources

Common Data Set

PDFs for each year with general university statistics relating to enrollment, financial aid, student expenses, and more.