How To Get Involved

M.A.P. Application

The application will be available until January 28, 2025

After filling in the online application, a $50 nonrefundable deposit is due in Campus Ministry, AMU 236, before the application will be accepted for placement. All applications and the $50 deposit are due by 5 p.m. on January 28, 2025. Your final payment of $200 (of the $250 total cost of M.A.P.) is due by February 8. Payments are dropped off in Campus Ministry. We accept cash, MUCash, and checks only. Individual and group fundraising opportunities will be made available and occasional funding made available through generous donor contributions. Payment plans will be made available.

Trip Introduction Meeting

After placements are made and accepted, all participants must attend the Trip Introduction meeting on Jan. 31 from 5-7 p.m. Here students receive basic trip information, meet with their groups for the first time, and learn the details of the trip. This is also the "logistical" meeting when groups sign forms, choose group roles, exchange personal contact information, and plan trip preparation. This meeting is mandatory for all participants.

One-on-One Meetings

Participants are asked to sign up for a one-on-one meeting with the facilitators of their group.

Final Orientation

The Final Orientation is on Saturday, February 8, at 10 a.m. in AMU 236. It is the last chance to have all forms completed and discuss any last-minute coordination of the trip. This meeting is mandatory for all participants. Also, each participant must meet with their group facilitator as mutually arranged.

Facilitator Applications

Facilitators are trained students with a passion for leading in service and justice.

Good Standing

All M.A.P. facilitators and participants must remain in good disciplinary standing with the university until the scheduled M.A.P. trip. Specifically, students who have a student conduct violation that resulted in a probationary status extending into the program will not be permitted to participate. Please know that a conduct check will occur and through your application, you are giving us permission to seek your conduct history as it relates to this calendar year.

Visit the complete timeline for M.A.P. 2025, or for more information, contact Assistant Director, Vevette Hill-Nwagbaraocha.

Apply to be a M.A.P. Participant.