How Do I Drop or Withdraw From Classes?

Please review the information below when considering whether to remove a class from your schedule.

Understanding Drops and Withdrawals
Class Drops
Class Withdrawals
Term Withdrawals

Understanding Drops and Withdrawals

Removing a class from your schedule is either considered a drop or withdrawal depending on when the class is removed relative to drop and withdrawal deadlines of the session in which the class is scheduled. 

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Timing of Drops and Withdrawals

Removing a class from your schedule is considered a drop or withdrawal, depending on the timing of the removal.  If prior to the drop deadline, removing a class from your schedule is considered a class drop, whereas after the drop deadline it is considered a class withdrawal.  Class drops are removed from your academic record, while class withdrawals remain with a grade that signifies you withdrew from the class.


A session is a period within a term when a class is offered.  Deadlines for drops, withdrawals and refunds will often vary between sessions within a term.

Most classes are scheduled within the regular (1) session of a fall or spring term, although some classes are offered for only part of a term.  In addition, the J session is considered a part of the fall (undergraduate) or spring (graduate) terms, but it takes place in between the regular sessions in those terms. 

Identifying Drop and Withdrawal Deadlines

You can identify the drop and withdrawal deadlines for classes by viewing your class schedule in CheckMarq.  These deadlines are also displayed on the Drop Classes page in CheckMarq.

Class Drops

A class that is removed from your schedule prior to the drop deadline for its session is a class drop.

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Academic Implications (Class Drops)

  • Classes dropped prior to the drop deadline are removed from your academic record.
  • Potential academic impacts include a delay in graduation and ineligibility for classes you were planning to take in an upcoming semester due to prerequisites no longer being met after the drop.
  • You are encouraged to contact your academic adviser to ensure you remain on track with your degree progress or if you have any questions regarding the academic impact of a class drop.

Tuition/Fee Implications (Class Drops)

  • There is not a tuition charge for classes that are dropped prior to the deadline.  However, a class drop may not lower your tuition bill if you continue to be enrolled on a full-time basis.
  • You are encouraged to review the Billing Information website and contact Marquette Central with any questions.

Financial Aid Implications (Class Drops)

Steps to Drop a Class

Step 1

Log in to CheckMarq and click or tap the Manage Classes tile.

Step 2  

Under the Enroll menu in the left navigation bar, click or tap Drop Classes and elect the appropriate term.

Step 3

Select the class or classes to drop from your schedule.  Review the Drop Deadline and Withdrawal Deadline columns so that you know whether this action will lead to a drop or a withdrawal.  Click or tap the Next Button.



Step 4

Review your selections and click or tap the Drop Classes button.



If you have successfully dropped the class, you will receive a confirmation message.


If the drop deadline has passed, the message will also say that a grade of W has been assigned.


IMPORTANT:  You are still enrolled in the class until you click the Drop Classes button and receive a confirmation message.

Class Withdrawals

A class that is removed from your schedule after the drop deadline for its session is a class withdrawal.  

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Academic Implications (Class Withdrawals)

  • Class withdrawals remain on the academic record with a withdrawal grade, although no credit is awarded.
  • Potential academic impacts include a delay in graduation and ineligibility for classes you were planning to take in an upcoming semester due to prerequisites no longer being met after the withdrawal.
  • You are encouraged to contact your academic adviser to ensure you remain on track with your degree progress or if you have any questions regarding the academic impact of a class withdrawal.
  • The withdrawal grade and academic impact are dependent on who initiates the withdrawal and when it is initiated.

Initiated by the Student

Initiated by the Faculty/College

Through withdrawal deadline

W grade assigned.  No GPA impact.

UW or WA grade assigned based on student attendance.  UW and WA grades do not have any GPA impact.

After withdrawal deadline

WF grade assigned.  Factored into GPA as F grade

WA or WF grade assigned based on student performance.  WA grade does not have any GPA impact.  WF grade is factored into the GPA as an F grade.


Tuition/Fee Implications (Class Withdrawals)

  • Students who register and subsequently change their course standing through a withdrawal may have an adjustment made to their account.  If an adjustment results in a refund due to student, the Office of the Bursar will notify the student via e-mail when the refund is available.
  • The date on which the class withdrawal is processed by the student in CheckMarq or the form is submitted to the University will be the date used for any tuition refund calculation.
  • You are encouraged to review the Bursar website for additional information, including the refund schedule by semester.
  • Contact Marquette Central with any questions.

Financial Aid Implications (Class Withdrawals)

Steps to Withdraw from a Class

The process to withdraw from a single class is dependent on your degree level and full-time vs. part-time status along with the timing of the withdrawal.  Please review all implications above before withdrawing from any classes


Full-Time Undergraduates

Part-Time Undergraduates

Through withdrawal deadline

If the withdrawal will not take you below 12 credits in the term (or 1 credit in a summer term), follow the steps to drop a class in CheckMarq to withdraw.

If the withdrawal will leave you with fewer than 12 credits for the term, use the Single Class Withdrawal form.  See Term Withdrawal to end your enrollment in all classes.

If the withdrawal will not take you below 1 credit in the term; follow the steps to drop a class in CheckMarq to withdraw.

See Term Withdrawal to end your enrollment in all classes.

After withdrawal deadline

Use the Single Class Withdrawal form or see Term Withdrawal to end your enrollment in all classes.

Use the Single Class Withdrawal form or see Term Withdrawal to end your enrollment in all classes.



Full-Time Graduate/GSM

Part-Time Graduate/GSM

Through withdrawal deadline

If the withdrawal will not take you below 7 credits in the term (or 1 credit in a summer term), follow the steps to drop a class in CheckMarq to withdraw.

If the withdrawal will leave you with fewer than 7 credits for the term, use the Single Class Withdrawal form.  See Term Withdrawal to end your enrollment in all classes.

If the withdrawal will not take you below 1 credit in the term, follow the steps to drop a class in CheckMarq to withdraw.

See Term Withdrawal to end your enrollment in all classes.


After withdrawal deadline

Use the Single Class Withdrawal form (Graduate or GSM) or see Term Withdrawal to end your enrollment in all classes.


Use the Single Class Withdrawal form (Graduate or GSM) or see Term Withdrawal to end your enrollment in all classes.


Students in a Health Sciences Professional program should complete the Single Class Withdrawal form.

Term Withdrawals

Withdrawing from all your classes in a semester is considered a term withdrawal.

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Academic Implications (Term Withdrawals)

  • Class withdrawals remain on the academic record with a withdrawal grade, although no credit is awarded.
  • Potential academic impacts include a delay in graduation and ineligibility for classes you were planning to take in an upcoming semester due to prerequisites no longer being met after the withdrawal.
  • You are encouraged to contact your academic adviser to ensure you remain on track with your degree progress or if you have any questions regarding the academic impact of a class withdrawal.
  • The withdrawal grade and academic impact are dependent on who initiates the withdrawal and when it is initiated.

Initiated by the Student

Initiated by the Faculty/College

Prior to withdrawal deadline

W grade assigned.  No GPA impact.

UW or WA grade assigned based on student attendance.  UW and WA grades do not have any GPA impact.

After withdrawal deadline

WF grade assigned.  Factored into GPA as F grade.

WA or WF grade assigned based on student performance.  WA grade does not have any GPA impact.  WF grade is factored into the GPA as a F grade.


Tuition/Fee Implications (Term Withdrawals)

  • Students who register and subsequently change their course standing through a withdrawal will have an adjustment made to their account.  If that adjustment results in a refund due to the student, the Office of the Bursar will notify the student via email when the refund is available.
  • The date on which the Withdrawal form is submitted to the University will be the date used for any tuition refund calculation.
  • You are encouraged to review the Bursar website for additional information, including the refund schedule by semester.
  • Contact Marquette Central with any questions.

Financial Aid Implications (Term Withdrawals)

Steps to Withdraw from a Term

A term withdrawal requires the completion and submission of the Withdrawal from All Courses form.  The date you sign the form is the date the term withdrawal will be posted in CheckMarq.

Future Enrollment after a Term Withdrawal

If you indicate as part of your term withdrawal that you are not planning to return to Marquette, then you will need to be readmitted prior to enrolling again.

If you indicate as part of your term withdrawal that you plan to return to Marquette, then you will be eligible to enroll in the subsequent fall/spring semester.  However, if you do not enroll in that subsequent semester, then you will need to be readmitted prior to enrolling in a future semester.