Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim
Dr. Stephanie SidowMarquette University

School of Dentistry, 329

MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
(414) 421-3203
Curriculum Vitae

Clinical Associate Professor and Postgraduate Program Director of Endodontics

Surgical & Diagnostic Sciences


  • DDS, 1988, Marquette University School of Dentistry

Courses Taught

ENDO 6000 Clinical Patient Care
ENDO 6011 Advanced Endodontology 1
ENDO 6012 Pulp Biology
ENDO 6013 Advanced Endodontology 2
ENDO 6371 Endo Lit and Book Review
ENDO 6372 Endo Lit and Book Review 2
ENDO 6373 Endo Lit and Book Review 3
ENDO 6374 Endo Lit and Book Review 4
ENDO 6301 Case Review
DENT 6999 Masters Thesis

Research Interests

  • Endodontic Irrigation Dental Imaging

Professional Affiliations

  • Diplomate, American Board of Endodontics
  • Fellow, International College of Dentists - USA Section
  • Member, American Dental Education Association
  • Member, American Association of Endodontists
  • Member, American Dental Association
  • Member, College of Diplomates
  • Member, International Association of Dental Traumatology
  • Member, Wisconsin Dental Association




  • Subramanian V, Roberts HW, Han S, Sidow SJ, Berzins DW. Electrochemical Properties of Nickel-Titanium Rotary Endodontic Instruments. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.joen.2024.05.04
  • Dutner JM, Sidow SJ, Cervero RM and Soh M. (2024) Endodontic Competence of the New General Dentist as Conceptualized by Predoctoral Educators: A Qualitative Exploration. J Dent Oral Epidemiol 4(2): doi https://doi.org/10.54289/JDOE2400109.
  • Tian F, Londono J, Villalobos V, Pan Y, Ho HX, Eshera R, Sidow SJ, Bergeron BE, Wang X, Tay FR. Effectiveness of different cleaning measures on the bonding of resin cement to saliva-contaminated or blood-contaminated zirconia. JoD 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdent.2022.104084.
  • Washington MA, McDougal GS, Sidow SJ, Lindsey KW, Dickinson DP, McPherson JC, Chuang AH. The Biocompatibility and bioactivity of Biodentine in contact with cementoblast cells. DENTMA-D-22-00127 (Accepted)
  • Chang Zeng, Joseph Everett, Stephanie Sidow, Brian Bergeron, Fucong Tian, Jingzhi Ma, Franklin R. Tay. In vitro evaluation of efficacy of two endodontic sonic-powered irrigant agitation systems in killing single-species intracanal biofilms. Journal of Dentistry 2021; 105:103859.
  • Sun Q, Meng M, JN Steed, SJ Sidow, BE Bergeron, Niu, L-n, Ma, J-z, Tay FR. Manoeuvrability and biocompatibility of endodontic tricalcium silicate-based putties. Journal of Dentistry 2021; 104:103530.
  • Otterson Scott W, Dutner Joseph M, Phillips Matthew B, Sidow Stephanie J. Surface integrity of root ends following apical resection with targeted trephine burs. Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia 34:60-66, 2020.
  • Wei-hu Ye, Lara Yeghiasarian, Christopher W. Cutler, Brian E. Bergeron, Stephanie Sidow, Hockin H.K. Xu, Li-na Niu, Jing-zhi Ma, Franklin R. Tay. Comparison of the use of d-enantiomeric and l-enantiomeric antimicrobial peptides incorporated in a calcium-chelating irrigant against Enterococcus faecalis root canal wall biofilms. Journal of Dentistry 91 (2019) 103231
  • Correa Mauro Jr., Dutner Joseph M, Phillips Matthew B., Sidow, Stephanie J. McPherson, James. Heat Generation changes with Electrically Heated Pluggers After Multiple Autoclave Cycles at Different Operating Temperatures.  J Endod, 45:1529-1534, 2019.

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