Books by Faculty

Book Angeli

Rhetorical Work in Emergency Medical Services: Communicating in the Unpredictable Workplace

Dr. Elizabeth Angeli

Book Blair

Tasting and Testing Books
Good Housekeeping, Popular Modernism, and Middlebrow Reading

Dr. Amy L. Blair

Book Blair

Reading Up: Middle-Class Readers and the Culture of Success in the Early Twentieth-Century

Dr. Amy Blair

Book Canavan 1

Octavia E. Butler

Dr. Gerry Canavan

Book Canavan 2

The Cambridge Companion to American Science Fiction

Co-Editors: Dr. Gerry Canavan and Eric Carl Link

Book Canavan 3

Green Planets: Ecology and Science Fiction

Co-Editors: Dr. Gerry Canavan and Kim Stanley Robinson


The Cambridge History of Science Fiction

Co-Editors: Dr. Gerry Canavan and Eric Carl Link

Book Curran 1

Character and the Individual Personality in English Renaissance Drama: Tragedy, History, Tragicomedy

Dr. John Curran

Book Curran 2

Hamlet, Protestantism, and the Mourning of Contingency: Not to Be

Dr. John Curran

Book Curran 3

Roman Invasions: The British History, Protestant Anti-Romanism, and the Historical Imagination in England 1530-1660

Dr. John Curran

Jason's book

Novel Bodies: Disability and Sexuality in 18th Century British Literature

Dr. Jason Farr 

Book Farrell 1

Milwaukee Liddy Hagiography

Dr. Tyler Farrell 

Book Farrell 1

Walk a Little Differently Uphill: Poems and Letters by James Liddy

Dr. Tyler Farrell

Book Farrell 1


Dr. Tyler Farrell

Book Farrell 2

The Land of Give and Take

Dr. Tyler Farrell

Book Farrell 3

Tethered to the Earth

Dr. Tyler Farrell

Book Flack

The Naylor Report on Undergraduate Research in Writing Studies

Dr. Jenn Fishman

Fishman's Telling Stories

Telling Stories: Perspectives on Longitudinal Research in Writing Stories

Dr. Jenn Fishman

Book Flack

James Joyce and Classical Modernism

Dr. Leah Flack

Book Flack

Modernism and Homer: The Odysseys of H.D., James Joyce, Osip Mandelstam, and Ezra Pound

Dr. Leah Flack

Gagliardi's book

All Play and No Work: American Work Ideals and the Comic Plays of the Federal Theatre Project

Dr. Paul Gagliardi

Ganz' book

Public Vows: Fictions of Marriage in the English Enlightenment

Dr. Melissa J. Ganz

Book Hathaway 1

That Damned Fence: The Literature of the Japanese American Prison Camps

Dr. Heather Hathaway

Book Hathaway 1

Conversations with Paule Marshall

Dr. Heather Hathaway

Book Hathaway 2

Race and the Modern Artists

Dr. Heather Hathaway and James C. Hall

Book Hathaway 3

Caribbean Waves: Relocating Claude McKay and Paule Marshall

Dr. Heather Hathaway

Book Melamed

Represent and Destroy: Rationalizing Violence in the New Racial Capitalism

Dr. Jodi Melamed

Book Nowacek 1

Literacy, Economy, Power: Writing and Research After Literacy in American Lives

Co-Editors: Dr. Nowacek, John Duffy, Julie Nelson Christoph, Eli Goldblatt, Nelson Graff and Bryan Trabold

Book Nowacek 2

Agents of Integration: Understanding Transfer as a Rhetorical Act

Dr. Rebecca Nowacek

Book Nowacek 1

Citizenship Across the Curriculum

Co-Editors: Dr. Nowacek, Michael B. Smith, and Jeffrey L. Bernstein

Book Pladek

Dry Land

Dr. Ben Pladek

Book Pladek

The Poetics of Palliation: Romantic Literary Therapy

Dr. Ben Pladek

The Sentimental Novel in the Eighteenth Century

Daniel Defoe in Context | English Literature 1700-1830

Dr. Albert J. Rivero

The Sentimental Novel in the Eighteenth Century

The Sentimental Novel in the Eighteenth Century

Dr. Albert J. Rivero 

Book Rivero 1

Critical Essays on Henry Fielding

Dr. Albert J. Rivero

Book Rivero 2

Augustan Subjects: Essays in Honor of Martin C. Battestin

Dr. Albert J. Rivero

Al's book

New Essays on Samuel Richardson

Edited by Dr. Albert J. Rivero

Book Rivero 4

The Plays of Henry Fielding: A Critical Study of His Dramatic Career

Dr. Albert J. Rivero

book riyeff

Be Radiant

Dr. Jacob Riyeff

book riyeff

O Shining Light: Old English Meditations for Advent and Christmastide

Introduction and Commentary by Jacob and Mamie Riyeff

Book Riyeff 6


Dr. Jacob Riyeff

Book Riyeff 7

The St. Benedict Prayer Book

Translated, adapted, and introduced by Dr. Jacob Riyeff

Book Riyeff 8

Lofsangas: Poems Old and New

Dr. Jacob Riyeff

Book Riyeff 4

The Poems and Counsels on Prayer and Contemplation

Edited and Introduced by Dr. Jacob Riyeff

Book Riyeff 1

In the Bosom of the Father: The Collected Poems of a Benedictine Mystic

Translated by Dr. Jacob Riyeff

Book Riyeff 2

The Old English Rule of St. Benedict: With Related Old English Texts

Translated by Dr. Jacob Riyeff


Sunk in Your Shipwreck

Dr. Jacob Riyeff

Book Sorby 1

Poetry and the Global Climate Crisis: Creative Educational Approaches to Complex Challenges

Co-Editors: Dr. Angela Sorby, Sandra Lee Kleppe, and Amatoritsero Ede

Book Sorby 1

The Sleeve Waves

Dr. Angela Sorby

Book Sorby 2

Over the River and Through the Wood: An Anthology of Nineteenth-Century American Children's Poetry

Co-Editors: Dr. Angela Sorby, Karen Kilcup

Book Sorby 3

Bird Skin Coat (poems)

Dr. Angela Sorby

Book Sorby 4

Schoolroom Poets: Childhood, Performance, and the Place of American Poetry, 1865-1917

Dr. Angela Sorby

Book Sorby 5

Distance Learning

Dr. Angela Sorby

Book Sorby 6

Poetry and Pedagogy across the Lifespan

Dr. Angela Sorby

Book Sorby 6

Continental England: Form, Translation, and Chaucer in the Hundred Years' War

Dr. Elizaveta Strakhov

Book Sorby 6

Rape Culture and Female Resistance in Late Medieval Literature

Co-Editors: Sarah Baechle, Carissa M. Harris, and Elizaveta Strakhov

Book Su 1

Imagination and the Contemporary Novel

Dr. John Su

Book Su 2

Ethics and Nostalgia in the Contemporary Novel

Dr. John Su 

Book Wadsworth 4

Global Voices from the Women’s Library at the World’s Columbian Exposition.

Edited by Marija Dalbello and Sarah Wadsworth 

Book Wadsworth 2

Right Here I See My Own Books: The Woman's Building Library at the World's Columbian Exposition

Co-Authors: Dr. Sarah Wadsworth and Wayne A. Wiegand

Book Wadsworth 3

In the Company of Books: Literature and Its "Classes" in Nineteenth-Century America

Dr. Sarah Wadsworth 

Book Zurcher

Seventeenth-Century English Romance: Allegory, Ethics, and Politics

Dr. Amelia Zurcher