Giving to The Graduate School

Thank you for supporting Marquette University's Graduate School with your donation. Contributions can help support graduate students and faculty and even small donations can make a big difference. 

Simple Steps to Give

  1. Click on this link or on the button below. 
  2. In the drop down menu next to the word "Designation" click on "Scholars Fund - Graduate School"
  3. Enter a donation amount and click "Add donation"
  4. You can also make contributions by phone, mail, or fax.

 Give to the Graduate School

What Your Gift will Fund

Practical applications and pure research that enhances the welfare of mankind and strives for the greater good. Some recent student projects include:

Read about even more graduate student research on our Student Success page.


Thank you for supporting all of us here at Marquette University's Graduate School as we continue to Be the Difference.