Holly Burgess, English
Holly Burgess earned her Master of Arts in English at Marquette University and returned to the department to join their doctoral program in 2018. Burgess has recently been awarded the prestigious Arthur J. Schmitt Fellowship. The Arthur J. Schmitt Fellowship identifies talented Marquette doctoral students and fosters their development as socially responsible leaders in the Marquette community and beyond. One of the goals of the fellowship is to further students’ formation as leaders working for positive social change in the spirit of Marquette University and Arthur J. Schmitt. This vision is accomplished through supporting their doctoral studies and promoting leadership development and opportunities.
Burgess’s dissertation examines police brutality, revolutionary violence and hip-hop from The Black Power Movement to The Black Lives Matter Movement. She previously earned the Diversity Fellowship at Marquette from 2018-2022. In the spring and summer of 2023, she presented two invited lectures on The History of Hip-Hop at Graham Public Library and Mercer County Library System. In October 2023, Burgess will present her paper “‘Batons, Bullets, Triggers’: Black Women Activists and Police Brutality in Rapsody’s and Janelle Monáe’s Music and Writing” at The University of Missouri’s Peace and Security in Africa and the African Diaspora Conference.
Mehrzad Ali Moin, Philosophy
Mehrzad Ali Moin is a doctoral student in the department of Philosophy who was recently awarded the Arthur J. Schmitt Fellowship which identifies talented Marquette doctoral students and fosters their development as socially responsible leaders in the Marquette community and beyond.
When asked to reflect on the fellowship, Mehrzad noted appreciation for the leadership development the Schmitt Fellowship provides, as well as the added benefit of increased time dedicated to his research allowing him to continue work on his dissertation, which focuses on the theme of human mortality. Mehrzad’s research provides a comparative study of how analytic and continental philosophers have situated the issue of mortality in their respective philosophical traditions. Mehrzad described the goal of the project “is to uncover the value that our mortality has, insofar as it plays a constitutive role in the meaningfulness of human lives, while also examining what moral obligations we have in relation to this value. In the end, this analysis of mortality also seeks to address questions about how one’s life ought to be lived in light of mortality.”
His dissertation is entitled: Mortality and Immortality: Reconsidering Anglo-American Perspectives in Light of Kierkegaard, Heidegger and Jonas.
Daniella Goldfarb, Theology
Daniella Goldfarb, doctoral student in historical theology, was awarded an Advanced Theological Studies Fellowship (ATSF) at the Theological University Kampen-Utrecht, the Netherlands, this summer.
The Advanced Theological Studies Fellowship is awarded to theologians and historians of Protestantism in order to foster an exchange of ideas and to develop relationships with their international peers. As part of this residential fellowship, students are provided with travel funds in order to meet with leading scholars of the Reformed tradition in the Netherlands, as well as utilize the university’s extensive research facilities.
Daniella is a current doctoral student at Marquette University in the Historical Theology track with a focus on the eucharistic theology of the sixteenth century and women interpreters of scripture during the Reformation. Prior to arriving at Marquette, Daniella received her Master of Theological Studies from Duke Divinity School and an undergraduate degree in History from American University.
Paul Cox- PhD, Theology
Paul Cox was awarded the Christian Scholarship Foundation Graduate Fellowship.
The Christian Scholarship Foundation Graduate Fellowship is awarded to members of the Churches of Christ seeking to teach religion and/or other related subjects in institutions of higher education. It is designed to assist current PhD students with expenses that may potentially inhibit them from completing their degree programs. The CSF awards fellowships to three to five students annually.
Originally from Southern California, Paul Cox completed academic work at Pepperdine University and the University of Notre Dame before arriving at Marquette. He currently studies in the Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity concentration with a special interest in early Christian and Jewish narratives as expressions of individual and communal belief and practice. Paul’s nonacademic interests include spending time with friends and family and practicing storytelling through role playing games.
Patrick Eickman- History
Patrick earned the Graduate Student Research Travel Award, which was a great help to fund his travels to the Midwest Medieval History Conference where he presented on the Emotional Communities of the Teutonic Knights.
Ibtisam was awarded the Center for Peacemaking’s 2020 Student Peacemaking Fellowship for attendance of the Critical Muslim Studies seminar in Granada, Spain.
Previous accomplishments:
2019 Ibtisam Abujad recently received a Graduate Student Research Travel Award for her presentation at the Middle East Studies Association’s Annual Meeting (MESA) in San Antonio, Texas. In her presentation, she argues that through nomadic epistemology, Arab women writers are able to reinterpret myth and deconstruct gendered trauma. Ibtisam also recently published a number of poems, including “The Boundaries of Ancient Salih” which was featured in Blue Minaret Literary Journal and “Bringing Back the Buraq” which was accepted for forthcoming publication in Entropy Literary Magazine.
2018: Abujad is a student in the English PhD program, where her research is aimed at uncovering the ways in which constructions of gender, race, ethnicity, and religious norms depend on the body as the locus of interaction between Arab and Muslim women and their societies. Of the topics that she explores are religious definitions of sexuality, motherhood and maternality, femininity and disability, and the fetishization of Muslim women's religious performances. Her poem, “Needlepoint Gazelles,” is scheduled to be published in an upcoming issue of Cream City Review. In April, she will be presenting a study of the Guyanese Muslim, entitled “Constructing the Guyanese Muslim: Temporality, Spatiality, and Foreignness” at Marquette University’s inaugural conference on Caribbean Studies: Calibans and Caribbeanisms. Ibtisam will also present her scholarly paper, entitled “The Hijab Fetish: Between Alien Geographies and Bodily Topographies,” at the 27th Annual World History Association Conference in June of 2018.
Participating in the Accelerated Degree Program allowed Emily the capacity to focus on starting her career. Marquette made it simple and easy for her to transition into her graduate coursework so that she could spend more time cultivating her career and professional interests so that when she graduated, she had a specific goal in mind. Specifically, the political science program equipped her with real world skills that have aided in her professional development and enabled her to jump right into the exact job that she envisioned in while in the program. The program was also broad enough for Emily to explore interests she never even knew she had, like Urban Public Policy, which led her directly into the career she has now.
Veronica presented a paper entitled, "The Ecclesial Dimension of the Creed: Considerations from 'Introduction to Christianity' in Light of Postmodernity" at the "Introduction to Christianity at 50" Conference held at the University of Notre Dame, hosted by the McGrath Institute for Church Life.
Cizek is currently working towards his PhD in Theology. He received funding from the Graduate Alumni Scholarship Fund and the Department of Theology to present two papers at the Society of Biblical Literature’s Annual Meeting in Denver, CO, on November 16–18, 2018. The papers— “Legal Reasoning in Second Temple Judaism” and “The Authority of Deuteronomy in the Second Temple Period”—previewed sections of his dissertation (in progress) focused on the ethical use of laws from the biblical book of Deuteronomy in the 4th–1st c. BCE.
Previous accomplishments
During his 4th year, Cizek attended the Society of Biblica Literature to present his two papers; 1) The Extent and Ethical Functions of Deuteronomic Allusions in Daniel 4–5, and 2) The Ethical Functions of the Deuteronomic Decalogue in Daniel. Both papers focus upon how the author of the biblical book of Daniel utilized earlier laws from the biblical book of Deuteronomy in order to craft an ethically instructive narrative for Jews living in the late fourth century BCE. While it is widely assumed that the author of Daniel was generally familiar with earlier Israelite law codes, Cizek's research is innovative in its attempts to establish exactly how the texts in the book of Daniel evoke specific laws from Deuteronomy. Establishing the direct literary dependence of Daniel upon Deuteronomy is significant both for understanding the book of Daniel itself and the ethical interpretation of Deuteronomy in Jewish antiquity.
Cizek's future career plans include teaching and conducting research within a university.
Jason Gehrke graduated from Marquette University Graduate School with a PhD in Historical Theology and is currently working at Christ College- The Honors College of Valparaiso University. He is a Lilly Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Humanities, the first Marquette University graduate to receive this prestigious fellowship.
Marquette University provided the training, scholarly tools, and community necessary to become a scholar of ancient Christianity. The theology department drew Jason into a broad conversation that touched upon themes in constructive theology, history, and languages. Faculty were broad-minded, interested in an interdisciplinary conversation, and always wiling to provide their support and expertise to my his inquiries. Marquette provided the financial support and library resources needed to complete his work. According to Gehrke, his current success would have been simply impossible without the Marquette community.
"Marquette's great support was never more evident than when I began looking for a position. Faculty wrote on my behalf and helped me refine my own self-presentation. They challenged me, and gave the direction I needed to earn a position first as a Visiting Assistant Professor, and then a Lilly Post-Doctoral Fellow here at Valpo. I've been delighted and humbled by the experience."
More information on Jason can be found here.
Costik was awarded a Critical Language Scholarship from the US Department of State. She spent the summer studying Turkish at the Azerbaijan University of Languages in Baku, Azerbaijan.
Kreuger attended a conference and presented at the Arkeologisk Museum of Stavanger in Norway.
Along with Drs. Young Kim and Daradirek Ekachai, Olson was thrilled to have presented their research paper, "Does your PR paper excite, intrigue, and motivate students to learn?" at the AEJMC Conference in Washington, D.C. this past August. We are grateful to have received second place in the PR Division Teacher Paper Research Competition.
Italiano is a recent graduate from the MA in Communication program, took second place in the Newspaper and Online News Division's Student Paper competition at this year's Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference. Her qualitative framing analysis was written for Dr. Ana Garner's Advanced Qualitative Methods class and examined how the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Milwaukee Community Journal framed the Sherman Park unrest in 2016. Rachel plans to continue her research as a PhD student at the Manship School of Mass Communication at Louisiana State University this fall (2018).
Marisola has had some major accomplishments during her graduate school journey at Marquette University.
Her dissertation research puts to use decolonial theory and Afro-Caribbean philosophy to theorize the colonial history of the Balkans, and articulate the ways in which global colonialism has contributed to racial and ethnic hierarchies within the Balkan region. This research is the culmination of previous research she conducted about (and in) the region, starting with her B.A. Honors thesis titled “Post Independence Kosovo: From Prescriptive to Descriptive Identities.” This thesis incorporated her own fieldwork and translations conducted in Kosovo, Serbia, and Croatia; it was also the winner of the Periclean Scholar award at Skidmore College, and a shorter version of it was published here.
Read more about Marisola's success
Marisola continued her research on identity in the Balkans as early as her first year in the Philosophy PhD program at Marquette. In the summer of 2013, she received a Szymczak Fellowship from the Center for Peacemaking, and again traveled to Kosovo to conduct archival research on Ibrahim Rugova’s peaceful resistance against the Serb regime after the fall of Yugoslavia.
In addition, Marisola received a graduate student summer fellowship from the graduate school at Marquette, which assisted in attending the Caribbean Philosophical Association (CPA) summer school and conference. At the CPA summer school, she connected with leading scholars in decolonial theory and Afro-Caribbean philosophy and was able to connect threads between her research on the Balkans and philosophical work on post-colonial societies. This experience further crystallized her dissertation topic and allowed her to make the relevant connections necessary for beginning her dissertation. She is currently at the beginning stages of collaboration with another scholar in establishing the African-Balkan-Caribbean Society, which aims to foster conversations between the different positionalities manifested in these traditions. At the CPA conference, Xhelili organized a panel with three other faculty and graduate students on the topic of Philosophy as Activism, and extensively discussed another initiative she has been co-directing at Marquette: Engendering Dignity in Philosophy (EDIP), an educational program that connects incarcerated women with Marquette undergraduates to collectively study and generate knowledge about shared topics of social justice.
This summer (2018), she has been working on putting together her proposal as well as the first chapter of her dissertation. In June, she attended the Center for Comparative Conflict Studies (CFCCS) summer school in Belgrade, Serbia, where she deepened her understanding on the role of religion as both a connecting and divisive force within the Balkan region. In July, she presented a working draft of a dissertation chapter at the Balkan Society for Theory and Practice Workshop in Prizren, Kosovo. This chapter focuses on early travel narratives and the beginnings of the formation of a Balkanist discourse that has historically theorized the Balkans as backward and not properly European. Her presentation argued that there were two ways in which the Balkans threatened emerging European Enlightenment ideals of progress and purity: by deviating from the linearity of human progress as the evolution of stages of civilization, and by supporting contact between worlds that should not meet (Orient and Occident).
This upcoming academic year, Marisola is a proud Schmitt Leadership Fellow, which means she will not only have summers during which to do her research, but the entire academic year. Marisola is exceedingly grateful to Marquette for continuously supporting her work, and looks forward to a productive year of scholarly research and writing.
Tikhon is working on his PhD in Historical Theology and presented at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds on July 2-5, 2018. Pino organized a session of papers at the conference entitled "Byzantine Theology in the Palaiologan Era: Palamism Before, During, and After." It looked at the theology of St. Gregory Palamas (1296-1357), in terms of Gregory's own writings, its antecedents in patristic and Byzantine theology, and its nachleben in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Presenters included Dr. Marcus Plested, from Marquette's Department of Theology.
Colin Irvine- PhD, English
Irvine is a proud alumnus of Marquette University and a grateful Arthur J. Schmitt Fellow. He is currently acting as the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Augustana University.
Philip Kenny- PhD, English
Kenny recently presented at The Mather Residents Association in Evanston, IL on May 23, 2018. His presentation was based on the Diaries of John Quincy Adams, who Dr. Kenny considers an amazing man of many talents who is largely unknown by many Americans.
Maggie Nettesheim Hoffmann PhD, History
Maggie is studying the history of philanthropy and capitalism in the United States. This fall (2018), Maggie presented her work at two international conferences. In September, Maggie presented “A Menace to the National Welfare: The Final Report of the United States Commission on Industrial Relations & the Progressive Era Critique of American Philanthropic Foundations" at the New Directions in American Philanthropy conference hosted at Sheffield Hallam University in Sheffield, England. She received a travel grant to attend this conference from the Economic History Society, a learned society based at the London School of Economics. In November, Maggie presented "The Philanthropic Factory: Capitalism, Corporate Charity, and Forging New Socio-Economic Worker Identities in Milwaukee" at the Social Science History Association's 42nd annual conference held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Maggie was presented with the Tilly/SSHA Graduate Student Travel Award during the association's annual meeting.
In October 2018, the Center for the Humanities at the University of Wisconsin-Madison invited Maggie to present as a panelist during their "Humanities Without Walls Panel Discussion and Information Session", where she discussed her experiences as a 2017 national Humanities Without Walls Fellow with potential applicants for the 2018 HWW Fellowship.
Maggie Nettesheim-Hoffmann, has been awarded the Humanities Without Walls (HWW) PreDoctoral Fellowship for 2017. As a Fellow, Maggie will receive a $5,000 stipend and attend a summer workshop in Chicago. The Humanities Without Walls is a consortium of humanities centers and institutes at 15 major research universities throughout the Midwest and beyond. Based at the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), the consortium is funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This is the first time HWW has sponsored a summer workshop. Guided by one of the leading public humanities organizations in the nation, these workshops encourage humanities doctoral students to think of themselves as agents of the public humanities and showcase opportunities beyond the walls of the academy in an uncertain academic job climate. Learn more about Humanities Without Walls online.
Haendel is in her second year (2017/18) in the Interdisciplinary PhD program and attended the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association in Los Angeles, California. Haendel was presented both via poster and orally on Shifting from Professional Silos to Interprofessional Education: Marquette Interdisciplinary Autism Initiative (oral presentation); Autism Severity & IQ in Relation to Success on a Social Skills Intervention in Adolescents (poster). Both of these presentations are results from her larger area of research. Interprofessional Education and Practice is at the forefront of many professions. Haendel wanted to give a brief synopsis as to the challenges and successes of this relatively new focus in accreditation. Her larger area of research is looking at neural connectivity (EEG); or how well different areas of the brain communicate with each other. More specifically, she is looking at changes of EEG coherence in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), before and after a social skills intervention as well as changes on social outcomes. Findings of this study have implications for the structure of interventions for ASD across treatment settings as well as gaining an understanding of neural and behavioral plasticity in ASD.
Angie's future plans include becoming faculty and clinic director in academia.
Kizuk presented her paper "Risky Feelings: The Affect of Settler Shame" at the Duquesne Women in Philosophy in Duqesnes, Pittsburgh on April 7th, 2018. Her research focuses on the phenomenon, particularly in Canada, of feeling ashamed of the historical processes of genocide and extermination of Indigenous peoples. This shame, I argue, is often lauded in certain political frameworks in an attempt to solicit action on the part of settlers to help ‘heal’ a nation. However, her work shows that any attempt to begin solidarity action that is premised on settler shame tends to re-focus on the emotional well-being of those who are privileged at the expense of those who are already oppressed.
Tyler Stewart- PhD, Theology
Congratulations to Tyler Stewart, a theology doctoral student for winning this year’s Catholic Biblical Association’s “Emerging Scholars Award” in Old Testament! This is a graduate student award given to emerging scholars who show promise and appear likely to make significant contributions to the field of Biblical studies. The CBA is a scholarly organization devoted to supporting biblical scholars from all traditions.
Rev. Philip Sutherland, S.J.- PhD, Philosophy
Fr. Philip plans to teach philosophy at a Jesuit university as a Jesuit priest. On October 21, 2017, he attended the Fordham Lincoln Center campus in Manhattan, NY and presented his research paper at the Society of Ancient Greek Philosophy. Sutherland’s paper, The Many Senses of Justice in Nicomachean Ethics, is an attempt to make sense of a notoriously difficult chapter in Aristotle’s ethics. Sutherland identifies what he believes are the relationships between the different kinds of justice that Aristotle discusses. The paper also contributes to the field of Aristotelian ethics and politics and his analysis provides a more unified reading of book V than has traditionally been acknowledged, including the concept of justice as a critical bridging concept between the individual virtuous life of the Nicomachean Ethics and the politically-oriented life of the Politics.
Benjamin R. Nestor- PhD, History
Nestor is a second-year history PhD student at Marquette University specializing in Modern Germany and the Holocaust. His dissertation will focus on the intellectual and cultural world of the Einsatzgruppen with particular interest in ideology and contingency, masculinity, and the role of mid-level functionaries in the advancement of the program to murder the European Jews.
On November 10, 2017 he presented Negotiating Nationalism in the Kaiserreich: Gustav Landauer between Particularism and Universality at the 83rd Southern Historical Association Conference in Dallas, TX. In the past year, he has held fellowships through the Holocaust Education Foundation and the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure, and in January will be a seminar fellow at the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C.
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Matthew Douglas- PhD, History
Douglas recently attended the 49th Annual Meeting of Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association to present his research. The theme of the annual meeting was "Reformations during the Middle Ages and Renaissance" and focused on religious issues in European History. Douglas's paper he presented, entitled A Politicized Reformation? French Huguenots and English Catholics in an Era of Religious Intolerance, investigated the treatment of religious minorities in France and England between the years 1685-1715.
Thomas D. Moore- MA, English
Moore is a graduate of the M.A. in English program and traveled to Boston, MA, to present a paper he wrote at a conference co-sponsored by the American Literature Association and The International David Foster Wallace Society. His paper, entitled Rereading the Clichés of David Foster Wallace: Resisting Neoliberalism Through Valuing the Ordinary, analyzes how Wallace's short story "Good Old Neon" exposes many of society's ills through linking selfishness, lovelessness, and delusions of uniqueness to competitive masculinity. It argues that the story serves as Wallace's most explicit reminder to readers that freeing oneself from damaging cultural ideologies is not easy, but can be done. This project from Moore features deeply-researched, theoretical work in Wallace Studies. Moore was one of only five scholars selected by The International David Foster Wallace Society to present on the author at this annual conference, and was the only graduate student in either of the two David Foster Wallace panels. As far as his career goals, Moore hopes to teach college-level English Literature.
Congratulations to the three Marquette University students, one of them being Dane DeVetter, a current master's student in the International Affairs program, who were recently selected for the prestigious 2017-18 Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Awards. As recipients of this award, the three students will several months working in classrooms overseas. DeVetter, who is also a Trinity Fellow here at Marquette, will be placed in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, which has a large refugee and immigrant population.
Jennifer Marra- PhD, Philosophy
Marra recently traveled to the American Philosophical Association Conference in Kansas City, MO., to present her research, entitled Cassirer on the Politics and Morality of Humor. In her presentation, Marra explains how comedians and philosophers ought to proceed during the current political situation in the United States. Her paper leans heavily on the word of Ernst Cassirer, a Jewish philosopher during the time of Hitler's reign, and his promotion of critical engagement. Upon receiving her PhD, Marra plans to pursue a career in academia.
Cory Haal- PhD, History
recently received a $5,000 grant from the Wisconsin Chapter of the National Society of Colonial Dames. This grant will be used for a three-month research trip during the summer of 2018 to archives in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. The research at these various archives will explore the emergence of prominent women's caucuses in Midwestern politics.
Cory's Previous Accomplishments:
- Awarded the Minnesota Historical Society Legacy Research Fellowship, which rewards him a $5,000 grant for research in the Gale Family Library. Haala's project, titled "The Many DFLs in Rudy Perpich's Minnesota,"focuses on the widespread and varied grassroots within the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party in the 1980s, and themes in Midwestern liberalism during the Reagan Administration and beyond.
- Presented at the Agricultural History Conference in New York. Cory's presentation, Rebuilding Rural/Urban Liberal Networks in the Upper Midwest during the Reagan Revolution, focused on how liberal organizations across the Dakotas, Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin attracted farmers and other rural voters to their cause in the 1980s by attempting to limit cultural conflict and promote a shared sense of socioeconomic injustice.
- Presented at the Midwestern History Association Conference in Grand Rapids, MI. There, he presented a research paper entitled Mikhail Gorbachev’s Saint Paul Summit and the Construction of a New Midwestern Identity.
- Presented at the 41st Annual Great Lakes History Conference at Grand Valley State University in October. The paper he presented, entitled Remembering and Rebuilding Farmer-Labor Gains in 1970s Minnesota, focused on the role historical memory played in the revival of a modern progressive movement in 1970s Minnesota. In his presentation, he argued that a new generation of liberals used the rhetoric, publications, and names of the Farmer-Labor Party in creating new networks which challenged the rising tide of conservatism in America.
Klump, a third year PhD student in the Religious Studies program, recently traveled to San Antonio, TX for a conference sponsored by the Society of Biblical Literature. At the conference, Klump gave a paper presentation about his research, entitled Androdyne: The (Re)Union of Male and Female Qumran. In his presentation, Klump discussed the myth of the Androdyne, and its connection to a passage in the Qumran Damascus Document. After completion of his program, Klump hopes to teach at a small Catholic liberal arts school.
Matt Costello, MA and PhD, History
Congratulations to one of our recent graduates, Matt Costello, on his job opportunity as a senior historian at the White House Historical Association! Costello earned his M.A. and PhD in American History from Marquette University, and was a research fellowship recipient. Costello is a great example of the knowledge our students gain from programs at Marquette University, and how this knowledge allows them to succeed in their career aspirations.
Previously, Costello works for the Washington Papers at the University of Virginia where he serves as Project Manager of the George Washington Bibliography Project, an online database and website that catalogs over 10,000 books that feature George Washington in some manner. He traveled to the Fred W. Smith Library at Mount Vernon in January to co-present the project status to the library staff and project donors. He discussed ideas for promoting the project in the next six months, and the website will go live in 2016 and serve as an educational resource and scholarly tool for anyone interested in George Washington, early American history, and histiography.
Grubich presented her research at the International Conference on Afro-Hispanic, Luso-Brazilian, and Latin American Studies in Accra, Ghana. ICALLAS is a conference that promotes the study of issues related to Africa and the peoples of African ancestry in Brazil and the Spanish-speaking world. Julia's paper, Como vivimos: Los desafios de ser africano en Espana, explores the literary works of Donato Ndongo and Mamadou Dia and their representation of the immigrant African in Spain.
Miller was a presenter at the North American Sartre Society's conference in Bethlehem, PA. Shaun's work, entitled Bodily Consciousness: A Sartrean Response to Irigaray, focused on philosopher Luce Irigaray's critiques of Sartre's phenomenology. The main criticism is that Sartre is ignoring the body when it comes to relationships. Shaun responded in his research by defending Sartre against Irigaray by offering textual evidence that Sartre does pay attention to the body in the way that Irigaray asks for. Moreover, understanding Sartre's notion of the body can give insight on what it means to be a conscious being by focusing on the body. During his time at Marquette, Shaun plans on finishing his dissertation about the ethical assumptions of sex education programs in the United States.
Kimberly Engels- PhD, Philosophy
Engels recently had the honor of presenting a research paper at the North American Sartre Society's conference, held at East Stroudsburg University in Bethlehem, PA. Kimberly's paper was entitled Ethical Subjectivity in Sartre and Foucault and focused on the ethical thought of Sartre and Foucault, arguing that each presents ethics as a type of self-creation in relation to the social practices of one’s historical epoch. Kimberly developed Sartre’s and Foucault’s claims that creating oneself as an ethical subject involves critical reflection, empathy, and creative invention. Her research is significant to the discipline and to the wider community because she contributes historical scholarship on Sartre and Foucault, and further presents a conception of ethics that is compatible with contemporary moral practices. Kimberly was also awarded the Smith Family Fellowship for 2015-16.
Benjamin Linzy- MA, History
Benjamin had the honor of presenting a research paper, entitled The Shame of Nations: International Responses to Genocide in the Wake of the 1948 Genocide Convention at Northern Illinois University Graduate Student Association's eighth annual conference. He also presented his paper Indigenous Eclipse: How indigenous victories shaped the British Empire, 1842-1885 at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association.
Masters students in the Foreign Languages and Literatures program Sandra Baer, Julia Grubich, and Caitlin Carini all attended the Newberry Workshop on Don Quixote on October 15th in Chicago. The workshop allowed MA and PHD students from around the U.S. to connect, network, and share different opinions and theories on the well-known novel Don Quixote. The students reported that it was interesting getting to know people from all around the U.S. with different backgrounds and majors, such as political science, history, and English. Caitlin recalls that her favorite part of the workshop was touring the rare books section of the library where the Newberry staff displayed old, rare editions of Don Quixote that they had collected over the years.
As a 3rd year Philosophy PhD student, Hobbs traveled to Atlanta, Ga. to present his research at the Society for Ricœur Studies conference this October. His paper, entitled Ricœur's Hermeneutics of Translation and the Case of Religious Language, discusses D.J.'s interpretation of the motivations behind Paul Ricœur's account of translation as “linguistic hospitality.” It subsequently tests this model against the difficult case of religious language. Although Ricœur's view of translation accounts well for the everyday occurrence of translation, D.J. argues, certain instances of religious language remain beyond its scope. This position stands in contrast to the attempts of some philosophers to extend Ricœur's model to religious speech without qualification. The article therefore serves to help keep Ricœurian hermeneutics of translation on the correct path towards its most practical uses. After attaining his doctorate, D.J. intends to remain in academia, hopefully securing a tenure-track job to continue his research and teaching.