A valid MU ID must be presented to check out any library material. Each borrower is responsible for all material borrowed on his/her ID. Report lost or stolen IDs immediately to the Marquette Card Office in Room 158 of the Alumni Memorial Union.
Faculty members may authorize their graduate assistants to check-out material for them. An Authorized Assistant Form must be signed and returned before such check-outs are permitted. The Faculty member remains responsible for all material checked out via this method. Authorized assistants are not allowed to check out any material for their personal use via this method.
Books checked out to Faculty or Staff members are due at the end of the 2nd summer session. The due date is stamped in the material at check out. There is no limit on the number of items that may be checked out. All checked out material is subject to recall by another user. Please review the Recall section on the main Circulation Page.
Books may be renewed for an additional loan period starting 28 days before the due date. Books may be brought to the Library Services Desk for renewal or renewed online at https://marquette.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/account?vid=01MARQUETTE_INST:MARQUETTE§ion=overview. Instructions for online renewals. There is no limit on the number of times an item can be renewed; however, all material is subject to recall by other users.
Bound and Current periodicals circulate for a one week period to Faculty and Staff members.