Conference Center Services

The Beaumier Suites Conference Center in Raynor Library provides comfortable meeting spaces for university academic and administrative needs. Located in the lower level of the library, the center can accommodate events ranging from small meetings up to larger conferences with attendance up to 120 persons. The rooms are capable of a variety of physical and technology configurations, providing flexibility for meetings and presentations.

Key Contacts

Make a reservation for an event:
Elaine Knaus
Administrative Assistant
(414) 288-3606

Technology setups and equipment orientations:
Darwin Sanders
IT Support Associate (Conference Center A/V Technician)
(414) 288-3063

University Event Services
(414) 288-7202

Tech Support

Tech support is available Monday through Friday, from 8:00am to 4:30pm.


Reservations will be accepted until noon on Friday for requests during the following week. Requests received after that time will be considered short notice and will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Short notice requests may limit choices for room setup. Reservations will be accepted up to two years in advance.

Who May Use the Conference Center

The Conference Center is available for use by both academic and administrative departments on campus. Student groups may use the center if they are registered with the Office of Student Development (OSD) and are subject to approval by the Dean of Libraries. Students must place a request for approval with the Office of Student Development (414) 288-7205. Event reservations will be entered as tentative until notification of the approval has been received by the Conference Center.


Events should coincide with building hours. Typically an event should begin at least one half hour after the building opens and end one half hour before the building closes. (Excludes 24 hour access). See building hours. Tech support is not available outside of Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm.


Catering arrangements are the sole responsibility of the customer. Catering is only available through Marquette University Event Services (414) 288-7202. Food must remain in the Conference Center area and is not permitted in the rest of the library, unless prior arrangements have been made ahead of time.


Alcoholic beverages must be ordered through Event Management and Sodexo which will provide both the beverages and a licensed bartender. The bartender will remain on duty as long as alcoholic beverages are on the premises, and when the event has ended will remove all alcohol and return it to Sodexo. Compliance with University Alcoholic Beverages Policy is required.


Parking arrangements for guest speakers, hosts, etc. are the responsibility of the hosting department or organization. Contact Parking Services at (414) 288-6911.

Storage of Materials

Storing of materials for events is not permitted. Early arrival of event items must be arranged with the Conference Center Staff. Items left behind at the end of an event will be discarded unless prior arrangements have been made.

First Floor Lobby Event Registration

Large posters, signs, figures or moveable screens/walls are not permitted in the first floor lobby area. Signs on tripods/easels are permitted at the customer's reserved lobby table or in the lower lobby outside of the Beaumier Suites.

Non-MU Attendees

If the conference/meeting will have 9 or fewer non-MU attendees, the event organizer will provide a list of names to the library Access Services department or to the conference center support staff prior to the event. The list will be used by the library to register the attendees and provide them with name badges.

If the conference/meeting will have 10 or more non-MU attendees, the conference center staff will provide a table and chairs in the first floor lobby for event registration. The table must be staffed by the department that is sponsoring the event. Name badges must be provided to all non-MU guests.

When registration for the event is complete, a list will be provided to the library circulation staff.

Name Badges

Name badges must contain the following information:

  • first and last name
  • date(s) of event
  • event name

Name badge must be visible at all times.

Registration Table

The registration table must be staffed at all times until the department has completed the registrations. When registrations are completed, the Library Services Desk or staff at the visitor window should be notified so that the table and chairs can be removed from the lobby. Items left on the tables after the event is over will be discarded.

Event Signage

Freestanding event signage (wayfinding or promotional) may be placed in the main lobby or conference center area, as long as it does not block or impede patron traffic. Signage may not be placed on walls and must be removed at the close of the event.

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