Graduate Student Loan Rules

ID Card

A valid MU ID must be presented to check out any library material. Each borrower is responsible for all material borrowed on his/her ID. Students should report lost or stolen IDs immediately to the Marquette Card Office in Room 158 of the Alumni Memorial Union. Each student must also maintain his/her current address via CheckMarq

Loan Period

Books are loaned for one semester. The due date is stamped in the material at check out. There is no limit on the number of items that may be checked out. All checked out material is subject to recall by another user. Please review the Recall section on the main Circulation Page.

Special collections may have shorter loan periods:

  • AVM collection (DVD/Video) - 5 day loan-no renewal
  • Browsing collection - 3 week loan-no renewal
  • Ciszek collection - 3 week loan -no renewal
  • Manresa collection- 3 week loan -no renewal
  • Children’s collection - 3 week loan
  • Laptops (DSL) - end of day (when DSL closes)
  • Cables and adapters (DSL) - end of day (when DSL closes) (some items may have a shorter loan period)
  • Reference collection - 1 week loan unless noted as Library Use Only


Books may be renewed for an additional semester starting fourteen days before the due date. Books may be brought to the Library Services Desk for renewal or renewed online at Instructions for online renewals. There is no limit on the number of times an item can be renewed; however, all material is subject to recall by other users.

Overdue Procedures

  1. An overdue notice is sent via Marquette University e-mail 5 days after the due date requesting return of the material. Instructions for online renewing is included in this notice.
  2. A 2nd notice is sent 4 weeks after the due date detailing the charges that will be incurred if the material is not returned or renewed within two weeks. Once this notice is sent, further borrowing is prohibited until the overdue material is returned or renewed and the material must be brought to the library for renewal.
  3. Material not returned or renewed within 6 weeks of the due date is considered lost. A bill for the replacement cost of the material plus a $15.00 billing fee is issued. The replacement cost of the book will be credited if the material is returned within four months of the due date. Fines should be paid at the Library Services Desk by cash or check.
  4. All overdue notices are sent as a courtesy via Marquette University e-mail and non-receipt of a notice does not exempt the borrower from overdue penalties.


Most periodicals do not circulate to students.

Ask Raynor