Under Wisconsin Open Records Law – Chapter 335 – Laws of 1981

Under law, records generated by the Marquette University Police Department may be subject to release. Please fill out the form below to complete your request. The Department generally responds within 10 working days to most records requests, however at this time there may be a delay in getting a response. MUPD will notify the requester when the request has been completed.

NOTE: police reports can be requested only after an initial appearance has happened for that case.


  • 25¢ per page
  • DVDs or USBs(audio/video/photos): $5 each 
  • All associated costs may be paid via check or cash.

Under the public records law, a custodian may charge a requester for the actual and direct costs of copying records. Wis. Stat. § 19.35(3)(a). A custodian may request prepayment if the costs to be charged are more than $5.00. Wis. Stat. § 19.35(3)(f); State ex rel. Hill v. Zimmerman, 196 Wis. 2d 419 (Ct. App. 1995). Section 19.35(3)(f) is “clearly intended to protect an authority from squandering staff time, supplies, and equipment usage for a substantial copying project that a requester may later disavow.”

Would you prefer to be contacted by phone or by email?
Pursuant to Chapter 335 – Laws of 1981, Requestor need not provide name and address, but it will facilitate the needs of the Marquette University Police Department.