Instructor Roles in CheckMarq & D2L

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PeopleSoft Instructor Role:  Primary Instructor
D2L Role:  Primary Instructor

Role defined:  a faculty who are responsible for the course content, teaching all, or a majority of the course and assigning and approving the midterm and/or final grades of the students in the course. Individual must be credentialed to teach the course per Higher Learning Commission standards.  Note:  there can be more than 1 Primary Instructor per course if team taught.
Midterm and/or final grading in CheckMarq Self-Service:  Y
Access Gradebook in D2L:  Y
Create content in D2L:  Y
Receive a grade in D2L:  N
Listed on the Teacher Tab in D2L:  Y
Listed on Student Tab in D2L:  N

PeopleSoft Instructor Role:  Primary Instructor-TA
D2L Role:  Primary Instructor-TA

Role defined:  A graduate teaching assistant who is NOT enrolled in the course and is responsible for the course content, teaching all or a majority of the course and assigning and approving the midterm and/or final grades of all students in the course. Individual must be credentialed to teach the course per Higher Learning Commission standards.
Midterm and/or final grading in CheckMarq Self-Service:  Y
Access Gradebook in D2L:  Y
Create content in D2L:  Y
Receive a grade in D2L:  N
Listed on the Teacher Tab in D2L:  Y
Listed on Student Tab in D2L:  N

PeopleSoft Instructor Role:  Primary Instructor-External
D2L Role:  Primary Instructor-External (will probably never use D2L)

Role defined:  used for those courses where MU has a contractual relationship with another institution to offer a MU course at the institution (i.e. students register at MU for MU credit and pay MU tuition; however, take the course elsewhere).  Therefore, the faculty member is from an external institution, but is responsible to grade and approve grades in CheckMarq for the MU students who are registered for the course. Individual must be credentialed to teach the course per Higher Learning Commission standards.
Midterm and/or final grading in CheckMarq Self-Service:  Y
Access Gradebook in D2L:  Y
Create content in D2L:  Y
Receive a grade in D2L:  N
Listed on the Teacher Tab in D2L:  Y
Listed on Student Tab in D2L:  N

PeopleSoft Instructor Role: Course Director
D2L Role:  Course Director

Role defined: An administrator who is responsible for the course content and assigning and approving the final grades of all students but does not provide any direct instruction to students.
Midterm and/or final grading in CheckMarq Self-Service:  Y
Access Gradebook in D2L:  Y
Create content in D2L:  Y
Receive a grade in D2L:  N
Listed on the Teacher Tab in D2L:  Y
Listed on Student Tab in D2L:  N

PeopleSoft Instructor Role:  Participating Faculty
D2L Role:  Participating Faculty

Role defined:  faculty who participate in the teaching of the class and may be responsible for grading a particular section of the course in D2L; however is not responsible for the total curse content or final grading of the students.
Midterm and/or final grading in CheckMarq Self-Service:  N
Access Gradebook in D2L:  Y
Create content in D2L:  Y
Receive a grade in D2L:  N
Listed on the Teacher Tab in D2L:  Y
Listed on Student Tab in D2L:  N

PeopleSoft Instructor Role:  Teaching Assistant
D2L Role:  Teaching Assistant

Role defined:  a graduate teaching assistant who assists the Primary Instructor(s) and is NOT enrolled in the class.
Midterm and/or final grading in CheckMarq Self-Service:  N
Access Gradebook in D2L:  Y
Create content in D2L:  Y
Receive a grade in D2L:  N
Listed on the Teacher Tab in D2L:  Y
Listed on Student Tab in D2L:  N

PeopleSoft Instructor Role:  Lab Coordinator
D2L Role:  Lab Coordinator

Role defined:  a staff or faculty who assists the department in the management of courses taught in a lab.
Midterm and/or final grading in CheckMarq Self-Service:  N
Access Gradebook in D2L:  Y
Create content in D2L:  Y
Receive a grade in D2L:  N
Listed on the Teacher Tab in D2L:  N
Listed on Student Tab in D2L:  N

PeopleSoft Instructor Role:  TA-In Course
D2L Role:  TA-Student

Role defined:  a graduate teaching assistant who assists the primary Instructor(s)  and IS enrolled in the course.
Midterm and/or final grading in CheckMarq Self-Service:  N
Access Gradebook in D2L:  N
Create content in D2L:  Y
Receive a grade in D2L:  Y
Listed on the Teacher Tab in D2L:  N
Listed on Student Tab in D2L:  Y

PeopleSoft Instructor Role:  D2L Course Administrator
D2L Role:  D2L Course Administrator

Role defined:  an administrator who provides content on D2L for the course and can alter the grades for students in D2L only; not responsible for the course content or final grading of students.
Midterm and/or final grading in CheckMarq Self-Service:  N
Access Gradebook in D2L:  Y
Create content in D2L:  Y
Receive a grade in D2L:  N
Listed on the Teacher Tab in D2L:  N
Listed on Student Tab in D2L:  N

PeopleSoft Instructor Role:  D2L Course Review
D2L Role:  D2L Course Review

Role defined:  an administrator who can review content only.
Access Gradebook in D2L:  N
Create content in D2L:  N
Receive a grade in D2L:  N
Listed on the Teacher Tab in D2L:  N
Listed on Student Tab in D2L:  N

PeopleSoft Instructor Role:  D2L Facilitator
D2L Role:  D2L Facilitator

Role defined:  a staff/administrator or faculty member who assists the instructor by providing content on D2L for the course; not responsible for the course content or grading.
Midterm and/or final grading in CheckMarq Self-Service:  N
Access Gradebook in D2L:  N
Create content in D2L:  Y
Receive a grade in D2L:  N
Listed on the Teacher Tab in D2L:  N
Listed on Student Tab in D2L:  N

PeopleSoft Instructor Role:  D2L Practice
D2L Role:  D2L Practice

Role defined:  students enrolled in the class who need to update/provide content to D2L, as part of the assignments in the class; however do not do any grading of students in the course.
Midterm and/or final grading in CheckMarq Self-Service:  N
Access Gradebook in D2L:  N
Create content in D2L:  Y
Receive a grade in D2L:  Y
Listed on the Teacher Tab in D2L:  N
Listed on Student Tab in D2L:  Y

PeopleSoft Instructor Role:  NA
D2L Role:  Student

Role defined:  enrolled in the class.
Midterm and/or final grading in CheckMarq Self-Service:  N
Access Gradebook in D2L:  N
Create content in D2L:  N
Receive a grade in D2L:  Y
Listed on the Teacher Tab in D2L:  N
Listed on Student Tab in D2L:  Y