Certificate in Educational Policy and Leadership (EDPL)
Our educational policy and leadership certificates prepare educators for educational leadership roles in the areas of study provided by one of the four selected specializations offered through the Marquette College of Education.
A distinctive characteristic of the programs are their commitment to the development of professionals as agents of critical inquiry and social justice. This is done through a systematic focus on the social, cultural, philosophical and historical contexts of education.
EDPL Certificate Specializations
Teacher Certification - Secondary Education
The secondary education teacher certification is available for Wisconsin teaching licensure at the middle childhood/early adolescence level (elementary/middle, grades 1-8) or the early adolescence level (middle/secondary, grades 6-12). Students can earn either a license or in conjunction with a master of education degree.
This certificate program is designed to meet the needs of those with a certifiable bachelor’s degree who wish to earn an initial Wisconsin early adolescence/adolescence teaching license.
Administrative Licensure Certification Programs
We are proud to offer the following programs to allow licensed educators to prepare and grow in their education career path.
Principal Certification - Designed for licensed teachers interested in the Principal license in the state of Wisconsin for grades K-12.
Director of Instruction - Designed for licensed teachers interested in the Director of Instruction license in the state of Wisconsin for grades K-12.
Superintendent Licensure Program
The knowledge base for the certificate program in the superintendency builds on the belief that the success of students and teachers rests in part on the leadership in their schools. As a result, this program is designed for students who have completed master’s degrees and have been certified as school principals.
The curriculum is based on the current Wisconsin administrative content standards for the superintendency, including current research and new conceptions of organizations, leadership, relationships between school districts and their communities, and institutional change.
Secondary Education Prerequisites and Course Work - 15-25 credits
Undergraduate Prerequisite for Licensure
Course List
Teaching Practice 1: Instructional Design and Teaching Models
Teaching Practice 2: Cultivating Relationships and Communities for Learning
Total Credit Hours:
Required Course Work 15-25 credits
Educational Inquiry 2: Advanced Topics
Teaching Practice 3: Assessment and Differentiation (Teaching Practice 3)
Adolescent and Disciplinary Literacies
Advanced Teaching Practice in Middle and High School
Educating Exceptional Learners
Child and Adolescent Development
Middle/Secondary Education Practicum
One additional course in Advanced Methods:
Teaching Middle/Secondary Social Science
Teaching Middle/Secondary Science
Teaching English in the Secondary School
Teaching World Languages and Cultures
The Teaching of Mathematics
Advanced Methods in Journalism, Communication, or Theatre
Total Credit Hours:
Principal Certificate Prerequisites and Course Work - 30 credits
Prerequisites for Licensure:
Wisconsin Teaching license
Master’s degree
Licensed teaching experience
Required Coursework - 30 credits
Course List
Introduction to Educational Inquiry
Organizational Theory and Administration in K-12 Schools
Politics and Community in Educational Organizations
Business Administration of the Educational Organization
History of Education in the United States
The Principalship
American Law and the Educational Organization
Instructional Leadership
Curriculum Leadership
Principalship Practicum
Director of Instruction Prerequisites and Course Work - 30 credits
Prerequisites for Licensure:
Wisconsin Teaching license
Master’s degree
Licensed teaching experience
Required Courses - 30 credits
Course List
Introduction to Educational Inquiry
Learning and Curriculum Theories
Organizational Theory and Administration in K-12 Schools
Politics and Community in Educational Organizations
Business Administration of the Educational Organization
History of Education in the United States
American Law and the Educational Organization
Instructional Leadership
Curriculum Leadership
Director of Instruction Practicum
Total Credit Hours:
Superintendent Prerequisites and Coursework – 27 credits
Prerequisites for Licensure:
Wisconsin Teaching license
Three years of teaching experience
Master’s degree
Principal license
Human development course
Required Courses - 24 credits
Course List
The Superintendency
Advanced Personnel Leadership
Advanced Politics and Community Relations in Educational Organizations
Advanced Theory and Practice in Educational Finance
Advanced Program Planning and Evaluation in Educational Settings
History of Education in the United States
Curriculum Leadership
Advanced Practicum in Educational Leadership
Total Credit Hours:
ELECTIVE COURSE (3 CREDITS) Students choose an elective in an area of interest and in consultation with their adviser.
Take the next step towards your future
Application requirements and other important information about our EDPL certificate program at Marquette University are detailed below. We also encourage and welcome prospective students to visit us in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and take a tour of the College of Education facilities on the Marquette University campus.
Teacher certification - secondary education: At this time, we are able to certify for the following content areas: social studies (includes undergraduate degrees in history, political science, economics, psychology, and sociology), English language arts, mathematics, and science (includes undergraduate degrees in biology and chemistry). Those with undergraduate degrees in mathematics and science, however, will want to consider our specialization in STEM Teaching (Link to STEM teaching program https://www.marquette.edu/grad/programs-master-education-stem-teaching.php).
Administrative licensure certification: A valid Wisconsin teaching license, including 3 years teaching experience with this license, is currently required by the end of the program, to receive an administrative license from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.
Superintendent Licensure: Applicants must have completed a master's degree and have been licensed as a principal.
Application Details
Before You Apply
All applicants seeking teacher certification must have transcripts evaluated by the College of Education beforeformally applying to the Graduate School for admission to any teacher certification program. Only upon approval of the department should students submit application materials to the Graduate School. Students seeking an advanced degree and certification must meet the criteria for both admission to the Office of Teacher Education and the Graduate School.
All inquiries concerning certification should be directed to the College of Education Graduate Office, located at Schroeder Health and Education Complex, 146, P.O. Box 1881, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881, or via telephone at (414) 288-6981.
A personal statement of purpose that includes professional and academic goals.
A resume that includes professional and educational experiences.
For International Applicants only: A TOEFL score or other acceptable proof of English proficiency.
An interview and/or writing test may be required of applicants following the initial screening.
Teacher certification applicants are required to submit Praxis II scores to the College of Education’s Office of Teacher Education. These applicants must also undergo a criminal background check, conducted by Marquette University. A second criminal background check is conducted at the state level when student teaching is completed, as part of the teacher license application.
For administrative certification applicants only: When their administrative program is complete and they submit their administrative license applications to the state, individuals must have a Wisconsin teacher license and three years of teaching experience.They must also undergo a criminal background check conducted by the state.
Application Deadline
March 31 is the priority deadline for summer admission; applications received after this date are considered as space permits. Applications should be received no later than July 15 for consideration for admission for the fall term, if space allows.
Financial Aid
Merit-based aid (graduate assistantships/fellowships) is available. Private scholarships may also be available. U.S. citizens and permanent residents may be eligible to apply for need-based federal aid (loans) to help fund their educational expenses as well.
Program Snapshot
Application Deadlines: March 31 – priority deadline for summer admission. July 15 – priority deadline for fall admission. Applications received after these dates are considered as space permits.