U-RISE at Marquette

What is U-RISE?

Funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), this 2-year program supports and develops motivated students for admission and future success in graduate Ph.D. programs and biomedical research (ALL MAJORS IN STEM DISCIPLINES WELCOME). Through mentored research, an evidence-based and culturally validated curriculum, professional development and summer experiences, U-RISE scholars develop research expertise and build their scientific identity within an inclusive community. U-RISE scholars may choose from over 40 on-campus research labs within the Colleges of Health Sciences, Engineering, and Arts & Sciences to conduct research. 

Current sophomores are eligible to apply and if accepted, participate in the program junior and senior years. Applications will open in December and are due mid-February. Applications from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds, individuals with disabilities, first-generation college students, and women are encouraged to apply. Accepted students will be eligible to receive a tuition scholarship and a stipend to support living costs and research opportunities. All U-RISE students will also participate in U-RISE Scholars Research Day. U-RISE scholars that complete program requirements can earn a Concentration in Undergraduate Research Enhancement that appears on their transcript.


Applications are open until
Friday, February 14, 2025!


Attend an info session (1/22 virtual @ 6pm
or 1/29 Schroeder 121 @ 6pm)!


Apply to URISE

  • Student Support
  • Program Requirements
  • Eligibility
  • Info Sessions
  • Tuition support up to $16,000/year 
  • Stipend ~$12,000/year 
  • Travel assistance for annual attendance at a scientific conference 
  • Support to apply to summer research programs 
  • Individualized advising 
  • Support preparing and submitting graduate school applications 
  • Mentored research traineeship (2-years) of “hands-on” research with training in the responsible conduct of research and the methodological and analytical skills required of scientists 
  • Structured professional development that includes topics such as writing pre-doctoral grant proposals, science communication, career exploration for scientists with Ph.Ds., professional networking, etc.
  • Conduct research 10-15 hrs/week with one of over 40 research active labs within the Colleges of Health Science, Engineering, and Arts and Sciences. 
  • Enroll in the 3 credit Path to Research (BISC 2010) 
  • Enroll in the 1.5 credit U-RISE Entering Research Seminar (BISC 3954) each semester of the 2-year program (for a total of 6 credits) 
  • Conduct summer research at a T-32 or research-intensive institution 
  • Participate in a 5-day summer boot camp the week before fall classes begin, junior and senior year 
  • Apply to Ph.D. programs fall of senior year 
  • Students finishing their sophomore year who are on track to graduate after completing the 2-year program (4 semesters, 1 summer) 
  • Attend Marquette University full-time with a major in a STEM discipline 
  • Minimum GPA of 2.7 
  • Are citizens, noncitizen nationals or permanent residents of the United States 
  • Strong commitment to entering either a Ph.D. or MD/PhD program in a biomedical discipline upon completion of the Bachelor’s degree 
  • Members of underrepresented groups in the biomedical sciences as defined by the NIH are encouraged to apply. This includes individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, with disabilities, first-generation students and those from economically disadvantaged backgrounds 

Applications are due February 14, 2025 of sophomore year. 

A completed application will include: 

* Letters of recommendation should be emailed directly from the letter writer to Dr. Kimberly D'Anna-Hernandez at urise@marquette.edu  

Questions can be sent to Dr. Kimberly D’Anna-Hernandez at urise@marquette.edu or kimberly.danna-hernandez@marquette.edu  

ONLINE Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 6 pm via Microsoft Teams Webinar

All interested parties are ENCOURAGED (though not required) to reach out to Dr. Kimberly D’Anna-Hernandez (U-RISE Director) or Dr. Laurieann Klockow (U-RISE Assistant Director) to learn more about the program, fit and/or the application process.

U-RISE Program at MU Program Sequence
Term/Year Fall Spring
Sophomore Year Recruitment Application and Acceptance to U-RISE program
Path to PhD Workshops (optional) Exploration of research labs
Summer Weeklong Orientation to Research Bootcamp
Junior Year Mentored Research (10-15hrs) Mentored Research (10-15hrs)
U-RISE Seminar 1 Course (1.5cr) U-RISE Seminar 2 course (1.5cr)
Path to Research Course (3cr) Application to Summer Research Programs
National conference (Fall or Spr) Oral Presentation at U-RISE Research Day
Path to PhD Workshops (3 evenings) Path to PhD Workshops (3 evenings)
Summer Research Program Application Preparation Explore PhD programs to apply to
Summer Ongoing: Graduate School Application Preparation & Summer
Research Program at external site; Weeklong NSF Grant Writing Bootcamp
Senior Year Mentored Research (10-15hrs) Mentored Research (10-15hrs)
U-RISE Seminar 3 Course (1.5cr) U-RISE Seminar 4 Course (1.5cr)
Graduate School Application Submission Poster Presentation at U-RISE Research Day
NSF GRFP grant Submission Path to PhD Workshops (3 evenings)
National conference (Fall or Spr) Peer Mentoring of next cohort
Path to PhD Workshops (3 evenings)  
Peer Mentoring of next cohort