Index of Special Collections and University Archives
This is a comprehensive index of all processed manuscript collections and university records maintained by the Department of Special Collections and Archives. Use your browser's FIND command to perform key word searches in this page.
Entries of processed manuscript collections link to bibliographic records in MARQCAT, which provide detailed information about these collections' contents, sizes, date spans, and creators. Most MARQCAT records also link to descriptive inventories of the collections. Entries of unprocessed manuscript collections link to the Special Collections Checklist. The checklist provides basic information about unprocessed collections. As these collections are processed, online inventories will be posted. Ask an archivist if you are interested in using an unprocessed collection.
Entries of university records link to the record group or series in which the records are arranged.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- African American Catholics of the United States (Digital Collection)
- Ahmann, Mathew H., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Albertus Magnus Guild Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Aletheia Reading Circle (Milwaukee) Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Alpha Sigma Nu Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- American Indian Catholic Schools Network Records
- American Public Works Association - Wisconsin Chapter Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- American Society of Civil Engineers - Wisconsin Section Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- American Statistical Association - Milwaukee Chapter Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- America's First Nations Curricula Collection
- Anderson, Stephen Collection
- Anderson, Thomas, Collection of Jean-Paul Sartre (MARQCAT Listing)
- Andrews, Frank, Music Collection MARQCAT Listing)
- Archambault, Sr. Marie Therese, O.S.F., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Association for Social Economics Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Association for the Sociology of Religion Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Association of Native Religious and Clergy Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests Records
- Belleau, Julius M., Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Belloc, Hilaire, Collection
- Best, Mary McCormack, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Birthing Project Oral History Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Black Elk, Nicholas, Collection
- Blackfoot Research Project Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Blied, Benjamin J., Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Blum, Rev. Virgil C., S.J., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Buechel, Rev. Eugene, S.J., Collection
- Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions (U.S.) Records (Digital Collection) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Catholic Academy of Communication Professionals Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Catholic Association for International Peace (U.S.) Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Catholic Broadcasters Association (U.S.) Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Catholic Films and Television Programs Collection
- Catholic Library Association Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Catholic Negro-American Mission Board (U.S.) Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Catholic Organizations for Renewal Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Chesterton, Gilbert K., Collection
- Chiapas (Mex.) and Central America Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Citizens for Educational Freedom - Wisconsin Federation Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Commission for Catholic Missions Among the Colored \ People and the Indians (U.S.) Records(MARQCAT Listing)
- Communication Ministry, Inc. Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Conception Abbey (Conception, Mo.) Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Conference for Catholic Lesbians
- Conference for Pastoral Planning and Council Development Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Congregation of the Great Spirit (Milwaukee, Wis.) Records
- Conrad N. Hilton Fund for Sisters Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Consultation on Homosexuality, Social Justice, and Roman Catholic Theology Records
- Cook, Jack, Papers
- Cook, Joseph W., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Council for Opportunity in Education Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Council on Urban and Rural Life (Milwaukee, Wis.) Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Cujé Milwaukee Music Collection
- Cullen, Michael Denis, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Daley, Sr. Joeann, O.P., Collection
- Day, Dorothy - Catholic Worker Collection (Digital Collection) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Diocese of Helena Records
- Diocese of San Cristobal Las Casas Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Doll, Rev. Don, S.J., Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Eisenman Family Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Ellis, Marc H., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Episcopal Church, Diocese of South Dakota Archives
- Ewens, Sr. Mary, O.P., Collection
- Fahy, Sr. Peter Claver, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Falla-Sanchez, Rev. Ricardo, S.J., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Falls, Arthur G., Reminiscence (MARQCAT Listing)
- F.B.I. Investigation and Surveillance Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Finucan, Monsignor James P., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Flusche, Della M, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Foley, Thomas W., Research Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Fortunate Families Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Fox, Noel P. (Noel Peter), Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Generation After (Milwaukee, Wis.) Oral History Collection (Digital Collection) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Gerald L. Ignace Indian Health Center Records
- Gesu Parish and School (Digital Collection)
- Glass Slide Collection
- Gross, Frank, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Hamy, Alfred, Jesuit Portrait Gallery (Digital Collection)
- Hildegarde, Papers (Digital Collection) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Holy Rosary Mission - Red Cloud Indian School (Pine Ridge, S.D.) Records (Digital Collection) (In the Spotlight) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Honor Our Neighbors Origins and Rights Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Houghton, Elizabeth Whitcomb, Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Howes, Rev. Robert G., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Hunnewell, S. Gary, Collection
- Hunt, Walter Bernard, Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- I'll Tell You a Story: Memories of Pre-Holocaust Europe (Digital Collection)
- In the Spotlight
- Inculturation Task Forces Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Indian Sentinel, 1902-1962 (Digital Collection) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Institute of Women Today Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- International Association of Jesuit Business Schools Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Janda, James Papers
- Johan de Meij Collection of Tolkien Symphonies
- Justice and Peace Center (Milwaukee, Wis.) Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Kanoti, George A., Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Kateri Tekakwitha Project Oral History Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Kauffman, Ivan J., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Kelly, Kathy, Papers (MARQCAT LISTING)
- Kennebeck, Edwin, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Kersten, Charles J., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Kilmer, Aline / Eleanor Gould Correspondence
- Kilmer, Joyce/Campion College Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Kisemanito Centre Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Lernoux, Penny, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Ligutti, Msgr. Luigi G., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Lines, Edessa L. Kunz, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Madonna Center (Chicago, Ill.) Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Marasco, Frank, Cartoon Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- March on Milwaukee: More Than One Struggle, Oral History Project (MARQCAT Listing)
- Marquette League (New York, N.Y.) for Catholic Indian Missions Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Marquette Woman's League (Milwaukee, Wis.) Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Mathematical Association of America - Wisconsin Section Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- McBeath Foundation (The Faye McBeath Foundation), Records
- McCarthy, Joseph R., Papers (Digital Collection) (MARQCAT Listing)
- McDaris, Steven "Catfish," Papers
- McGarry, Anna, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- McGillycuddy, Valentine T., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- McGuire, Al, Film and Videotape Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- McNeill, Don, Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Metcalfe, Ralph, The Olympic Years, 1932-1936 (Digital Collection) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Milwaukee Catholic Interracial Council Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Milwaukee Pledge of Resistance Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Milwaukee Women's Policy Networks Oral History Project (MARQCAT Listing)
- Morgan, T. J. (Thomas Jefferson), Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Mullaney, Rev. Anthony, Milwaukee Fourteen Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Murphy, Rev. James P.J., Photographic Collection
- Murphy, Peter F. Jr., Photographic Collection
- National Association of Laity Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- National Black Sisters' Conference (MARQCAT Listing)
- National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- National Catholic Rural Life Conference Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- National Catholic Social Action Conference Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- National Catholic Vocation Council Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- National Christian Life Community Records/Sodality Movement (MARQCAT Listing)
- National Coalition of American Nuns Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- National Conference of Religious Vocation Directors Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- National Interfaith Coalition on Aging Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- National Laywomen's Retreat Movement Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- National Religious Vocation Conference Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- National Sisters Vocation Conference Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- New, George E., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- New Ways Ministry (U.S.) Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Newspaper Collections in Special Collections
- North American French Regime Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company Oral History Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Nugent, Rev. Robert, S.D.S., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Oblate Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament Collection
- O'Hara, Archbishop Edwin V., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Olszyk, Arthur L., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Osage Mission Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Parents Acquiring Choice in Education (P.A.C.E.)
- Partners Advancing Values in Education (PAVE) records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Peace Prisoners Oral History Collection
- Peña Calac, Juliana, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Postcards from Manhattan: The Portrait Photography of Carl Van Vechten (In the Spotlight) (Digital Collection) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Powers, Jessica, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Priebe, Karl J., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Project Equality, Inc. Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Project Equality of Wisconsin, Inc. Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Proyecto Pastoral Maya = Maya Pastoral Project Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Prucha, Rev. Francis Paul, S.J., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Radin, Paul, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Rapid City (S.D.) Journal Native American Reference File
- Rauch, H. Herman, Labor Arbitration Case Files (MARQCAT Listing)
- Ray, Herman D., Photographic Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Red Cloud Indian School (Pine Ridge, S.D.) Records (Digital Collection) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Religious Formation Conference Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Religious Research Association Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Reuss, Henry S., Menominee Indian Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Reuss, Henry S., Peace Corps Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Ries, Charles P., Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Robb, James H., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Roman Catholic Womenpriests-USA
- Rose, Paul C., Scrapbook (MARQCAT Listing)
- Roth, Toby, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Ryan, Br. Leo V., C.S.V., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Sacred Heart Province Franciscan Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- St. Francis Mission (St. Francis, S.D.) Records (Digital Collection) (MARQCAT Listing)
- St. Isaac Jogues Church Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- St. John the Baptist-Santa Barbara Province Franciscan Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- St. Joseph's Indian Industrial School Oral History Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- St. Mary's Mission (St. Mary's, Kan.) Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- St. Paul's Mission Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- St. Stephen's Mission Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Scheuerman, Anne M., Photographic Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Schmeling, Sharon M., School Choice Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Seminarians' Catholic Action Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Sheen, Fulton J., Research Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Sheet Music Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Siggenauk Center (Milwaukee, Wis.) Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Siggenauk Interfaith Spiritual Center (Milwaukee, Wis.) Records
- Sioux Spiritual Center (Plainview S.D.) Records
- Sister Relationships Programs Indigenous Mission Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament Records
- Sisters Uniting Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Soaring Eagle-Rev. Emmett Hoffmann Heritage Project Oral History Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Social Action Vertical Files
- Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Society for the Scientific Study of Religion/Religious Research Association History Project Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Sodality Movement/Christian Life Community-USA Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Sondheim, Stephen, Research Collection
- Spanish Manuscript Collection
- Steltenkamp, Michael F., S.J., Papers
- Sutton, Lee Whitehorse, Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Tavard, Rev. George H., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Tekakwitha Conference (Great Falls, Mont.) Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Thompson, Tommy G., Papers (Digital Collection) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Tolkien, J.R.R., Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Traxler, Sr. Margaret Ellen, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Tye, Larry Collection of Joseph McCarthy Research
- Virgil C. Blum, S.J., Center for Parental Freedom in Education (MARQCAT Listing)
- Voices in the Wilderness Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Volunteer Missionary Movement USA Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Winchester, Harold P., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Wisconsin Association of Educational Opportunity Program Personnel Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Wisconsin Catholic Library Association Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Wisconsin Directors of Religious Education Federation Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- Wisconsin Politics Oral History Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Women's Ordination Conference Records (MARQCAT Listing)
- W.P.A. Indian Research Project Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Zabelka, Rev. George, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Zablocki, Clement J. (John), Papers (Digital Collection) (In the Spotlight) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Zablocki, Clement J., Oral History Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Zimmerman, Rev. Joseph A., S.J., Collection
- Zuern, Rev. Theodore F., S.J., Collection
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Academic Affairs and Institutional Planning, Vice President for the Office of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Academic Association of University Administrators (AAUA), Marquette University Chapter (MARQCAT Listing)
- Administration, Vice President for the Office of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Admissions, Office of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Affirmative Action, Office of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Alpha Sigma Nu (Student Organizations) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Alumni Association (MARQCAT Listing)
- Alumni Association of Marquette University Women (AMUW) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Alumni Authors ("Alumni Writes" Collection) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Alumni Personal Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Alumni Publications
- Alumni Relations (MARQCAT Listing)
- "Alumni Writes" Collection (Alumni Authors) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Anniversaries of Marquette University (MARQCAT Listing)
- Army (Military Training) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Arts and Sciences, College of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Assemblies (MARQCAT Listing)
- Association of American University Professors (AAUP) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Athletic Board (MARQCAT Listing)
- Athletics Administration, Department of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Baccalaureate (Assemblies) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Band (Student Organizations) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Banzhaf, Henry L., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Barrett, James M., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Barzyk, Fred, Music Box Collection (Alumni Papers) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Basketball, Men's (MARQCAT Listing)
- Basketball, Women's (MARQCAT Listing)
- Basketball Films and Videotapes, Men's (MARQCAT Listing)
- Basketball Photographs, Men's (MARQCAT Listing)
- Bernard, Richard M., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Biographical Information Files (MARQCAT Listing)
- Biological Sciences, Department of (College of Arts and Sciences) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Biomedical Engineering, Department of (College of Engineering) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Board of Governors(MARQCAT Listing)
- Board of Regents (MARQCAT Listing)
- Board of Trustees (MARQCAT Listing)
- Booster Clubs (MARQCAT Listing)
- Bovee, Warren G., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Boyle, Robert, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Bradley Institute for Democracy and Public Values (MARQCAT Listing)
- Brennan, Rev. Gerald P., S.J., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Budget Director, Office of the
- Budrunas, Walter J., Marquette University Basketball Scrapbook (Alumni Papers) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Buildings on Campus (Digital Collection) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Business Administration, College of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Business Office
- Byrne, Paul M., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Campus International Programs, Office of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Campus Ministry (MARQCAT Listing)
- Campus Telephone Directories (MARQCAT Listing)
- Career Services Center (MARQCAT Listing)
- Catalogs and Bulletins (Courses) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Centennial Celebration, 1981
- Center for Ethics Studies (MARQCAT Listing)
- Center for the Study of the American Press (MARQCAT Listing)
- Central Bureau of Information and Statistics (MARQCAT Listing)
- Chemistry, Department of (College of Arts and Sciences) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Chorus (Student Organizations) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of (College of Engineering) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Class Schedules (MARQCAT Listing)
- Clinical Laboratory Science, Department of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Club Sports (MARQCAT Listing)
- Clubs, Councils, and Societies (Student Organizations) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Commencement (Assemblies) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Committee on Administrators (MARQCAT Listing)
- Committee on Faculty (MARQCAT Listing)
- Committee on Staff (MARQCAT Listing)
- Committee on the Fine Arts, Marquette University (MARQCAT Listing)
- Committees, University (MARQCAT Listing)
- Communication, College of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Commuter Students (Student Organizations) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Concert Series (MARQCAT Listing)
- Continuing Education, Division of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Convocations (Assemblies) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Corporate Support, Department of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Corporate Vice President, Office of the (MARQCAT Listing)
- Counseling Center (MARQCAT Listing)
- Davitt, Thomas E., S.J., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Dean's Histories of Marquette University
- Debate and Forensics (Student Organizations) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Dental Hygiene Program (MARQCAT Listing)
- Dentistry, School of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Directories
- Education, College of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Electrical Engineering, Department of (College of Engineering) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Engbring, Robert W., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Engineering, College of (MARQCAT Listing)
- English, Department of (College of Arts and Sciences) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Executive Vice President, Office of the (MARQCAT Listing)
- Faculty (MARQCAT Listing)
- Faculty Committee on Academic Excellence (MARQCAT Listing)
- Faculty Committees (MARQCAT Listing)
- Faculty Publications ("MU Writes" Collection) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Film Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Finance, Vice President for the Office of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Football (MARQCAT Listing)
- Football Films and Videotapes (MARQCAT Listing)
- Football Photographs (MARQCAT Listing)
- Foreign Languages and Literatures, Department of (College of Arts and Sciences) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Fraternities and Sororities (Student Organizations) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Gaffney, Hugh H., World War I Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Gassert, Rev. Robert G., S.J., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- General Counsel, Office of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Gifts to the Library (Marquette University Libraries) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Gill, Norman N., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Golf, Men's (MARQCAT Listing)
- Graduate School (MARQCAT Listing)
- Hagen, Kenneth, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Haggerty Museum of Art (MARQCAT Listing)
- Hamilton, Rev. Raphael N., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Hamm, Victor Michael, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Hanson, Keith, Scrapbooks (Alumni Papers) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Helfaer Recreation and Tennis Stadium (MARQCAT Listing)
- The Hilltop Student Yearbook (Digital Collection) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Hirschboeck, Mary Mercy, Papers (Alumni Papers) (MARQCAT Listing)
- History, Department of (College of Arts and Sciences) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Holloway, John L., Papers (Alumni Papers) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Honors Committee (MARQCAT Listing)
- Human Resources, Department of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Huth, Earl H., Scrapbooks (MARQCAT Listing)
- Huxley, Darwin M. (Darwin Mendel), Scrapbook (Alumni Papers) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Information Technology Services (MARQCAT Listing)
- Institute for Asian Studies (MARQCAT Listing)
- Institute of German Affairs (MARQCAT Listing)
- Institute of the Catholic Media (MARQCAT Listing)
- Institutional Research, Office of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Intramural Sports (MARQCAT Listing)
- Kerstein, Edward S., Papers (Alumni Papers) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Klein, Sr. Rosalie, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Klement, Frank L., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Kovrig, Bela, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Kuhm, Herbert W., Scrapbook (Alumni Papers) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Labor, College of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Law Library (Marquette University Libraries) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Law School (MARQCAT Listing)
- Lectures (MARQCAT Listing)
- Libraries, Marquette University (MARQCAT Listing)
- Maguire, Daniel, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Markowitz, William, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Marquette Alumnus (Alumni Magazine) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Marquette College Cornerstone (MARQCAT Listing)
- Marquette Journal (Student Magazine) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Marquette Land Company (MARQCAT Listing)
- Marquette Magazine (Alumni and Friends Magazine) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Marquette Medical Review (School of Medicine Student Publication) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Marquette Report (MARQCAT Listing)
- Marquette Songs
- Marquette Today (MARQCAT Listing)
- The Marquette Tribune Student Newspaper (Digital Collection) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Marquette University and the City of Milwaukee (MARQCAT Listing)
- Marquette University Annual Report (MARQCAT Listing)
- Marquette University History Online (Digital Collection)
- Marquette University Intercollegiate Athletic Hall of Fame (Digital Collection) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Marquette University Players/Theater Arts (MARQCAT Listing)
- Marquette University Press (MARQCAT Listing)
- Marquette, Père, S.J., Memorial, Ludington, Mich. (MARQCAT Listing)
- Marquette, Père, S.J., Research Collection, Jesuit Community Records and
- Material Science and Metallurgy, Department of (College of Engineering) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, Department of (College of Arts and Sciences) (MARQCAT Listing)
- McCahill, William P., Typed Transcript of Oral History Interview (Alumni Papers) (MARQCAT Listing)
- McGee, Joseph W., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Mechanical Engineering, Department of (College of Engineering) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Medicine, School of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Memorial and Science Libraries (Marquette University Libraries) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Military Training (MARQCAT Listing)
- Miller, William D., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- M.U. Newsletter (MARQCAT Listing)
- "MU Writes" Collection (Faculty Publications) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Multicultural Center
- Murphy, Robert D., World War I Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Murray, Frank J., Scrapbooks (MARQCAT Listing)
- Murrary, Michael V., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Music, College of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Navy (Military Training) (MARQCAT Listing)
- New Student Orientation (MARQCAT Listing)
- News and Views (Faculty and Staff Monthly Newsletter) (MARQCAT Listing)
- News Releases, Office of Public Affairs (MARQCAT Listing)
- Nursing, College of (MARQCAT Listing)
- O'Neill, James D., Sermons and Manuscripts (Alumni Papers) (MARQCAT Listing)
- O'Reilly, Kenneth, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Oversize Materials (MARQCAT Listing)
- Parent and Child Care Center (MARQCAT Listing)
- Parking Services (MARQCAT Listing)
- Peace Corps (MARQCAT Listing)
- Père Marquette Postage Stamp Collection (MARQCAT Listing)
- Père Marquette Theology Lecture
- Pettit, Harvey P., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Pharmacy, College of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Philosophy, Department of (College of Arts and Sciences) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Photographs: The vast majority of photographs relating to Marquette University are arranged in the General Photograph Collection, which is arranged by subject, and the Biographical Information Files, arranged by names of individuals. The following university records also contain many photographs. Users should consult these specific records in addition to the General Photograph Collection or Biographical Information Files.
- Athletics (MARQCAT Listing)
- Band Scrapbooks (MARQCAT Listing)
- College of Nursing Photo Albums and Scrapbooks (MARQCAT Listing)
- The Hilltop, Photograph Collection
- New Faces, Photographs (Freshman Class Yearbook) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Oversize Materials (MARQCAT Listing)
- St. Joan of Arc Chapel (MARQCAT Listing)
- Scrapbook Collection
- Physical Environment
- Physical Environment (Blueprints and Drawings)
- Physical Therapy Program (MARQCAT Listing)
- Physics, Department of (College of Arts and Sciences) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Pick, John, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Political Science, Department of (College of Arts and Sciences) (MARQCAT Listing)
- President, Office of the (MARQCAT Listing)
- Provost, Office of the (MARQCAT Listing)
- Prucha, Francis Paul, S.J., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Public Affairs, Vice President for the Office of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Public Relations, Office of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Public Safety Department (MARQCAT Listing)
- Publications, University (MARQCAT Listing)
- Purchasing Department (MARQCAT Listing)
- Quarter Century Club (MARQCAT Listing)
- Quinn, Rev. Bar., S.J., Associate of the Military Programs (Military Training) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Registrar, Office of the (MARQCAT Listing)
- Renascence (Scholarly Journal) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Research and Sponsored Programs, Office of
- Research Compliance, Office of
- Residence Life, Office of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Retired Faculty Association, Marquette University (MARQCAT Listing)
- Riedl, John O., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Rifle Team (MARQCAT Listing)
- Robb, James H., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Schoenecker, Harold V. (Harold Vincent), Scrapbook (Alumni Papers) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Scrapbook Collection
- Semmann, Liborius, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Senior Vice President, Office of the (MARQCAT Listing)
- Service at Marquette Collection (Digital Collection) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Shanke, Edwin A., Papers (Alumni Papers) (Digital collection)
- Shaver, Gene, Papers (Alumni Papers) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Sigma Alpha Eta (Student Organizations) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Sigma Delta Chi (Student Organizations) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Sigma Xi, Zeta Kappa Gamma (Student Organizations) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Slavic Institute (MARQCAT Listing)
- Slide Collection--Biographical (MARQCAT Listing)
- Slide Collection--Subjects (MARQCAT Listing)
- Soccer, Men's (MARQCAT Listing)
- Soccer, Women's (MARQCAT Listing)
- Social and Cultural Studies, Department of (College of Arts and Sciences) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Sokolnicki, Alfred J., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Sororities, Fraternities and (Student Organizations) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Sound Recordings: The University Archives holds sound recordings in various formats: cassette tapes, reel-to-reel tapes, and CDs. These materials are arranged as separate series within record groups.
- Special Events and Conferences, Department of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Speech, College of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Sports Information, Office of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Statutes and Administrative Delegations, Marquette University (MARQCAT Listing)
- Steltenkamp, Rev. Michael F., S.J., Papers
- Student Activities (MARQCAT Listing)
- Student Affairs, Office of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Student Affairs, Vice President for the Office of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Student Directories (MARQCAT Listing)
- Student Financial Aid, Office of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Student Government, Marquette University (MUSG) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Student Handbooks (MARQCAT Listing)
- Student Health Service (MARQCAT Listing)
- Student Life, Office of (MARQCAT Listing)
- Student Organizations (MARQCAT Listing)
- Student Organizations Directories/Handbooks (MARQCAT Listing)
- Student Publications
- St. Joan of Arc Chapel and Carillon (MARQCAT Listing)
- Summer Session (MARQCAT Listing)
- Swokowski, Earl W., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Talacko, Joseph V., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Tennis, Men's (MARQCAT Listing)
- Tennis, Women's (MARQCAT Listing)
- Theater Arts/MU Players (MARQCAT Listing)
- Theology, Department of (College of Arts and Sciences) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Theta Sigma Phi (Student Organizations) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Time Capsules (MARQCAT Listing)
- Track and Cross Country, Men's (MARQCAT Listing)
- Track and Cross Country, Women's (MARQCAT Listing)
- Track Photographs, Men's (MARQCAT Listing)
- Transportation and Urban Planning, Department of (College of Engineering) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Treasurer, Office of the (MARQCAT Listing)
- Tuition Trust (MARQCAT Listing)
- University Advancement (MARQCAT Listing)
- University Advancement, Vice President for (MARQCAT Listing)
- University Histories (Digital Collection)
- University Publications (MARQCAT Listing)
- Varsity Varieties (MARQCAT Listing)
- Vater, Fred, Scrapbook (Alumni Papers) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Vermeulen, Peter J., Papers (Alumni Papers) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Vice President for the Office of Academic Affairs and Institutional Planning (MARQCAT Listing)
- Vice President for the Office of Administration (MARQCAT Listing)
- Vice President for the Office of Finance (MARQCAT Listing)
- Vice President for the Office of Public Affairs (MARQCAT Listing)
- Vice President for the Office of Student Affairs (MARQCAT Listing)
- Vice President for University Advancement (MARQCAT Listing)
- Vice Presidents, Offices of the
- Videotapes (Relating to Marquette University)
- Admissions Office, Publications (MARQCAT Listing)
- Basketball (MARQCAT Listing)
- Football (MARQCAT Listing)
- All Other University-Related Videotapes (MARQCAT Listing)
- Virgil C. Blum, S.J. Center for Parental Freedom in Education (MARQCAT Listing)
- Vollert, Rev. Cyril O., S.J., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Volleyball, Women's (MARQCAT Listing)
- Wade, Francis Clarence, S.J., Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Weber, Ralph E., Manuscript (MARQCAT Listing)
- Wisconsin Geriatric Education Center (MARQCAT Listing)
- Wisconsin Regional Medical Program (School of Medicine) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Wolfe, Christopher, Papers (MARQCAT Listing)
- Women in Blue and Gold (Digital Collection) (MARQCAT Listing)
- Wrestling (MARQCAT Listing)