Welcome from NSFP! We're glad you're here.

Our mission statement

New Student and Family Programs, in collaboration with Marquette educators and current students, offers intentional programs for incoming freshmen, transfer students, and their families. These programs welcome students and families to the Marquette community by:

  • Providing distinct resources and services for the varying needs of first-year students, transfer students and families.
  • Providing opportunities to learn about the multitude of educational opportunities and resources available to Marquette students.
  • Providing opportunities for new students to begin to explore who they are and how they will contribute to Marquette, and local and global communities.
  • Providing opportunities for new students to meet each other and to form important connections to classmates.
  • Providing opportunities for new students and their families to reflect upon and plan for the complex transition ahead, and to support students and families as they navigate the initial transitional milestones.
  • Communicating with families about on-campus events and making campus resources accessible to parents.
  • Engaging families in campus life during milestone moments and throughout the academic year (e.g. Orientation, Family Weekend, Family Newsletters)


Four special events for incoming new students

New Student and Family Programs offers four special events specifically for incoming students and their families, to help them prepare for their transition to Marquette.

  • Winter Orientation in January is an optional program for new first-year and transfer students admitted for the Spring semester.
  • SPARK is Marquette's official welcome for new first-year students and their families.  Optional on-campus dates will be offered in June, and virtual programming will be available for those who are not able to attend.
  • New Student Orientation in late August is a mandatory program for new first-year and transfer students and begins on move-in day.
  • Family Weekend is an annual event open to family members of all current Marquette students.

Meet the New Student and Family Programs staff

The New Student and Family Programs staff includes two professional staff and many students with a passion for supporting students and their families through important college transitions. In addition to our full-time staff, we work with over 100 student leaders each summer, known as SPARK Leaders and Orientation Leaders (nicknamed “O-Staff”).

Contact New Student and Family Programs


New Student & Family Programs
Alumni Memorial Union, Room 329
Phone: (414) 288-1412

Marianne Di Ulio
Director of New Student & Family Programs

Maddie Ramion
Coordinator for New Student & Family Programs