Welcome to Marquette!
We're thrilled to support you on your transition to Marquette University. Our team at New Student & Family Programs has compiled some important resources as you consider your initial days and weeks as a Marquette student.
Transfer & January First-Year Student Checklist
We know there's a lot to keep track of as you start your experience at Marquette. Utilize this checklist for a place to begin. This list is will help guide both transfer students (fall & spring semesters) and new first-year students (spring semester only) joining our campus community.
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- Check out our Winter Orientation webpage for details about Winter Orientation. Winter Orientation is scheduled for January 12th, 2025 beginning at 4 pm.
- Visit the Marquette University Orientation website. Download the Marquette New Student and Family Guide App and review the campus resources and schedules.
- Accept your Financial Aid package.
- Review your statement and pay your E-bill.
- Take a look at the Parking Services website to purchase your parking pass if you need one.
- Finalize your housing arrangements and review the Residence Life Arrival Survival Guide if you are living on campus.
- Finalize your campus dining plans.
- Bookmark the Checkmarq webpage where your course registration is accessed and view your financial aid.
- Purchase your textbooks online from the The Book Marq.
- Bookmark D2L a bulletin of all your semester courses on your computer and/or smartphone.
- Review Marquette Central’s “How Do I?” Website for answers to lots of important questions.
- Talk with your academic advisor about your Transfer Credit Report and Degree Progress Report on Checkmarq.
- Look for a job on campus.
- Buy tickets to a Marquette sports game and view the athletic schedules.
- Find ways to become engaged on campus through Student Organizations, Greek Life and campus activities.
- Discover all the ways to connect and engage with Campus Ministry. There are opportunities for students of all faith traditions.
- Check out how to get involved in the Milwaukee community through Community Service. Schedule one-on-one peer advising to find the right fit.
- Download the Marquette Eagle Eye app and sign up for campus safety texts alerts.
- Get your Student ID at Union Station on the 1st floor of the AMU (room 158). Union Station will be open Sunday January 12th from 1 pm to 4 pm and re-open Monday January 13th at 8:30 am.
- Attend Orientation! View the schedule on the Marquette New Student and Family Guide in early January.
- Introduce yourself to another transfer student.
- Ask about the benefits of Marquette Cash.
- Take a tour of campus to see where your classes are located.
- Download your UPass for the Milwaukee Country Transit System
- Swing by The Book Marq bookstore to pick-up your textbooks and apparel.
Weekend Before Classes Begin
First Two Weeks of the Semester
- Explore the Raynor Library to find your perfect place to study.
- Set up an appointment with your advisor early in the semester.
- Visit the Marquette Clinic before you get sick so you know where to go.
- Tour the Rec Center and Rec Plex fitness facilities for students.
- Take the bus through Milwaukee to explore the city.
- Explore the services and programs provided by Career Center.
- Learn how to log onto Handshake, Marquette’s career management platform.
- View the University Calendar to find campus happenings.
Access Our Schedules!
Find our Marquette Guide App
Be sure to utilize this resource as your one-stop shop for all new student and family information including schedules, maps, handouts, and more. Download the Marquette app to your phone by going directly to the Apple iTunes Store or Google Play Store and searching for Marquette Guide!
For questions and concerns, please contact New Student & Family Programs at (414) 288-1412 or email newstudentprogs@marquette.edu.