Every year, current Marquette students welcome the incoming students to Marquette by serving on SPARK or Orientation Staff. Positions include the Student Directors, SPARK Leaders and Orientation Leaders. 

Student Directors for New Student & Family Programs

Students Directors for NSFP work part-time during the spring semester, and full-time from May through early October to plan and coordinate events and staff training. Student Directors generally have experience either with Orientation programs, other large scale programs or events, and are expected to demonstrate strong leadership skills. The hiring process for the Student Director positions is currently closed.

SPARK Leaders

SPARK Leaders serve as a resource for students and their guests by helping answer questions, assisting with check in, and managing events througout SPARK. SPARK Leaders are expected to learn strong leadership skills, and they are paid a stipend for their work during SPARK. Applications for the SPARK Leader position are currently closed.

Orientation Leaders

Orientation Leaders (OLs) are student volunteers who facilitate group discussions, staff events, and provide a welcoming atmosphere to new students (both first-year and transfer) during New Student and Family Orientation. The time commitment for Orientation Leaders is concentrated in late August right before the start of classes. Applications for the Orientation Leader position have moved to a rolling status. The link to apply can be found here.

Questions? Contact New Student & Family Programs, at newstudentprogs@marquette.edu