Each year, thousands of Marquette alumni, friends, corporations and foundations support Marquette University and the College of Nursing. Annual, unrestricted gifts help the university meet its most pressing current needs. Restricted gifts to a specific endowed fund with College of Nursing can help you target your support to an area in which you have the most interest. Please consider a gift to one of the following options.
Expand Student Opportunities
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Nursing Alumni Scholarship
Funds from the Nursing Alumni Scholarship are used to recruit incoming freshman with scholarship awards.
Kathleen Powers Memorial Minority Scholarship
This scholarship fund supports minority students with demonstrated financial need.
Cecilia Borenitsch Nursing Scholarship
This undergraduate scholarship provides support for students with financial need.
This fund ensures that the Simulation Center has and will continue to offer a transformational and cutting-edge nursing education.
Established by donors and friends of the college to honors former Dean Janet Wessel Krejci's vision and leadership, this scholarship supports students from diverse backgrounds who are enrolled in the College of Nursing.
Support World Class Teacher Scholars
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Victoria Arbella Wallace Immediate Impact Nursing Faculty Fund
This fund supports faculty scholars by offsetting research and teaching assistants, lab expenses, equipment, and faculty development.
Lawrence G. & Myrtle Regner Award
Faculty apply for the Lawrence G. & Myrtle Regner award to further their research initiatives.
Bolster Programmatic Resources
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Dean’s Excellence Fund for Nursing
The Dean’s Excellence Fund for Nursing is a discretionary spending memorial fund in honor of Jerome J. and Barbara A. Glowinski. This fund advances strategic priorities of the College.
Institute for Palliative and End of Life Care
The Institute for Palliative and End of Life Care, in partnership with the Visiting Nurse Association, these funds support community and professional education and research dedicated to discovering the optimum quality of life for individuals with serious illness.
College of Nursing Community Outreach Fund
Community outreach events such as promoting health and broad-based flourishing of children and families that are a part of the Bembé community.
Help Marquette Today, and Forever
Your gift provides crucial endowment funds.
You can also make a gift to Nursing online.
For additional information
If you are curious about the many ways to support the College of Nursing’s storied past and bright future, please contact Susan Nieberle at (414) 288-8014 or susan.nieberle@marquette.edu.