Kristie Rogers

Kristie  Rogers
Kristie RogersMarquette University

O'Brien Hall, 315B

MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
(414) 288-5669
Curriculum Vitae

Professor of Management

Kristie Rogers is an associate professor in the management department. Her research focuses on respect and identity at work. She is especially interested in how workers thrive in the face of challenges around stigma, disrespect, and tensions that are difficult to resolve, and specializes in exploring these challenges through qualitative research in unconventional work settings.

Her research is published in top management journals including Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Review, Organization Science and Journal of Applied Psychology. Her research awards and grants include the Outstanding Published Article in Positive Organizational Scholarship award from University of Michigan’s Center for Positive Organizations, the Responsible Research in Management Award from the Academy of Management’s Responsible Research Network, a Best Paper Award from the Academy of Management’s MOC Division, and an Anti-Racism Research Grant from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). She also serves as an Associate Editor at ­Academy of Management Review.

Her practice-oriented articles are published in Harvard Business ReviewMIT Sloan Management Review, and UC-Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center. She’s appeared on numerous podcasts including HBR’s Ideacast, the Wall Street Journal’s As We Work, and Voice of Influence. Notable features and media mentions include the New York TimesWall Street Journal, Ted’s Worklife podcast, Network for Business Sustainability, and Business Insider.

Dr. Rogers has been teaching courses and facilitating workshops on negotiation and other organizational behavior topics for more than a decade. She has partnered with local businesses and Fortune 100 companies for workshop offerings and consulting projects. She currently teaches negotiation to undergraduate students and across multiple graduate-level programs at Marquette. She was featured among the 50 Best Undergraduate Professors of 2022 by Poets & Quants. She is also the 2022 winner of the college-wide Brennan Master Teacher Award based on her past ten semesters of student evaluations, and is a 2022 Marquette University Faculty All-Star.

She earned her PhD in Organizational Behavior from Arizona State University. She was an Assistant Professor at the University of Kansas before joining Marquette. Prior to pursuing her doctorate, she worked as a stage manager on remote sports broadcasts for ESPN and ABC Sports.


  • Ph.D., Management, Arizona State University
  • MBA, University of New Mexico
  • B.A., Journalism, University of New Mexico

Research Interests

  • Respect at work
  • Organizational and individual identity

Selected Publications

*Sharma, P. N., & *Rogers, K.M., Ashforth, B.E. In press. Emboldened in the rap “game”: How severely stigmatized video models navigate disrespect and vulnerability to workplace mistreatment. Journal of Applied Psychology *First two authors contributed equally

Chawla, N., Gabriel, A.S., Prengler, M., Rogers, K.M., Rogers, B., Tedder-King, A., & Rosen, C.C. In press. Allyship in the fifth trimester: A multi-method investigation of women’s postpartum return to work. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Chawla, N., Gabriel, A.S., Prengler, M., Rogers, K.M., Rogers, B., Tedder-King, A., & Rosen, C.C. 2024. Be an ally to new mothers returning to work. Harvard Business Review.

*Harrison, S. & *Rogers, K.M. 2024. Building culture from the middle out. MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol. 65(3): 60-64. *Both authors contributed equally, authorship order is alphabetical

Hoobler, J.M., Masterson, C.R., & Rogers, K.M. 2024. Self-ambivalence: Naming a contemporary work-family problem that has no name. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 45: 252-265.

Sharma, P. N., Toubiana, M., Lashley, K., Massa, F., Rogers, K. M., & Ruebottom, T. 2024. Honing the craft of qualitative data collection in extreme contexts. Journal of Management Inquiry, 33: 99-114.

Ashforth, B.E., Schinoff, B.S., Rogers, K.M., & Lange, D. 2024. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Identity foils in organizational life. Organization Science, 35: 232-258.

Prengler, M., Rogers, K.M. Chawla, N., & Leigh, A. 2023. How Black police officers combat systemic racism at work. Harvard Business Review.

Prengler, M., Rogers, K.M. Chawla, N., & Leigh, A. 2023. How to be an ally to colleagues after violence against their community. Harvard Business Review.

Prengler, M., Chawla, N., Leigh, A., & Rogers, K.M. 2023. Challenging racism as a Black police officer: An emergent theory of employee anti-racism. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108: 249-272. Winner of Responsible Research in Management Award, 2023.

Rogers, K.R. & Schinoff, B.S. 2022. Disrespected employees are quitting, so what can managers do differently? MIT Sloan Management Review.

Rodell, J., Sabey, T.B., & Rogers, K.M. 2020. “Tapping” into good will: Enhancing corporate reputation through customer volunteering.  Academy of Management Journal, 63:1714-1738. Media mention: Network for Business Sustainability

Rogers, K.M. 2018. Do your employees feel respected? Harvard Business Review, 96(4): 63-70.

Rogers, K.M., Corley, K.G., & Ashforth, B.E. 2017. Seeing more than orange: Organizational respect and positive identity transformation in a prison context. Administrative Science Quarterly, 62: 219-269.

Rogers, K.M., & Ashforth, B.E. 2017. Respect in organizations: Feeling valued as “we” and “me.” Journal of Management, 43: 1578-1608.

Ashforth, B.E., Schinoff, B.S., & Rogers, K.M. 2016. “I identify with her,” “I identify with him”: Unpacking the dynamics of personal identification in organizations. Academy of Management Review, 41: 28-60.

Ashforth, B.E., Rogers, K.M., Pratt, M.G., & Pradies, C. 2014. Ambivalence in organizations.  Organization Science, 25: 1453-1478.

Ashforth, B.E., Rogers, K.M., & Corley, K.G. 2011. Identity in organizations: Exploring cross-level dynamics. Organization Science, 22: 1144-1156.

Honors and Awards

  • John P. Raynor, S.J. Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence, University-wide teaching award, Marquette University, 2024.

  • Marquette University Game Day Academic Coach, Marquette University women’s basketball, 2024.

  • Responsible Research in Management Award Winner, Responsible Research in Business and Management, award presented at the Academy of Management Meeting to recognize and celebrate research that benefits society by producing credible and useful findings, 2023.

  • Top 50 Undergraduate Business Professors, Poets & Quants, chosen from over 500 nominated professors based on teaching excellence and research accomplishments, 2022. 

  • Brennan Family Master Teacher Award, College of Business Administration teaching award, Marquette University, 2022.

  • Marquette University Faculty All Star, Marquette University men’s basketball, 2022.

  • Center for Positive Organizational Scholarship (University of Michigan) 2019 Award for Outstanding Published Article, Best paper published from 2016-2018 in the field of positive organizational scholarship, keynote speaker at 2019 conference.

  • MOC Division Best Paper Award, 2013. “Seeing past the orange: A qualitative examination of respect in a prison context.” Academy of Management Meetings

Research Links

Wall Street Journal article and podcast episode on respectfully managing the return to the office

Harvard Business Review article and podcast episode on the two types of respect at work

Sloan Management Review article on showing respect for virtual employees

UC-Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center article on showing respect for your co-workers