Marketing Major

How many companies have started with a bang, only to end in a whimper? The difference between firms that succeed and those that don't is often found in how effectively they market themselves — and it's more than catchy ads. Organizations rely on marketing to analyze their consumers and their competitors while making strategic decisions about product development and management, pricing, positioning, and placement.

Superathletes, supermarkets and supercomputers.

As a marketing major, you can broaden your background with courses in consumer behavior, customer relationship management, sports marketing, integrated marketing, communication, sales management and global marketing.

Market yourself through internships.

Marquette's location and connection with Milwaukee's business community provides marketing majors with opportunities to work as an undergraduate for companies such as Harley-Davidson, MillerCoors, the Kimberly-Clark Corp., the Kohl's Corp. and Johnson Controls Inc.

Learn from leaders in marketing education.

The professors who will teach your marketing major courses maintain their leading edge in the discipline publishing in and editing national and international marketing journals and teaching in established and emerging universities around the world.

Substance and style.

Your creativity will only go as far as your communication skills take you. Through your numerous class experiences in group work, research projects and multimedia class presentations, you and your fellow marketing majors will develop the interpersonal abilities and technical edge that employers seek.

As one of many methods of assuring that the goals of our educational mission are successfully met, the college regularly and systematically engages in the assessment of a variety of competencies. As part of this assurance of learning, each program defines and collects data on learning goals; statements of the knowledge, skills and attitudes that we want our graduates to possess. We use them for continuous improvement and they are the criteria on which organizations such as AACSB evaluate our accreditation. The following are the current Learning Goals for the Marketing Major along with the goals for the Undergraduate Business Core.

Learning Goals

  • Develop contextually-appropriate marketing mix strategies
  • Apply research tools for data collection and marketing insights generation
  • Apply contextually-appropriate segmentation, targeting, and positioning concepts
  • Understand the contextual nature of marketing decisions and activities
  • Understand the broad range of ethical issues tied to marketing decisions and activities

Undergraduate Business Core Learning Goals

  1. Apply effective written and oral communication skills to business situations.
  2. Analyze the global business environment.
  3. Analyze the local business environment.
  4. Use critical thinking skills in business situations.
  5. Apply an ethical understanding and perspective to business situations.

Additional business & non-business course requirements

In addition to the requirements for the major, all students in the College of Business Administration complete business core courses, the Marquette University core of common studies, and non-business electives.