Welcome to Dr. E. J. and Margaret O’Brien Hall
Marquette Business has a new home
Opened in 2023, O’Brien Hall is the new home for the College of Business Administration, Graduate School of Management, and the university’s innovation leadership programs.
This 109,000 square-foot four-story building features collaborative classroom, lab and study spaces, as well as an event space, café, faculty offices and dedicated areas for our nationally recognized Centers of Excellence. The first floor is designed to provide wraparound student support through centralized advising, a Student Success Center and a Business Career Center.
Since business isn’t done in a silo, this new facility emphasizes innovative, collaborative spaces where students are immersed in experiential learning and creative solutions. Here, future accountants team with aspiring marketers, and next-generation bankers map balance sheets with up-and-coming developers.
Learn more: O’Brien Hall era officially begins for Marquette Business
Resources for staff, students, and guests:
- Spring & Fall Semesters:
- Exterior doors unlocked Mon-Thu, 7am - 6pm, Fri: 7am - 4:30 pm
- Student swipe access enabled:
- Mon-Thur: 6pm - 11pm
- Fri: 4:30 pm - 6pm
- Sat: 7am - 6pm
- Sun: 7am - 11pm
- Faculty, staff, EMBA & AIM students have 24/7 swipe access
- Brew Cafe hours: Monday - Thursday 7:30am - 4:30pm, Friday 7:30am - 1pm
- Breaks: MUID card access only at all times
Student card access hours: Sun-Thu: 7am - 11pm, Fri-Sat: 7am - 6pm
Faculty, staff, AIM students, EMBA students: 24/7 card access
O'Brien BrewCafe closed when classes are not in session.
Classroom Layouts & Capacities
Room / Floorplan |
Capacity |
Status* |
436 A & B |
30 | 30 or 60 |
General Pool |
417 |
60 |
403 |
34 (computer lab) |
General Pool |
324 |
50 |
305 |
82 |
General Pool |
303 |
48 |
General Pool |
226 A & B |
30 | 30 or 60 |
General Pool |
224 |
48 |
General Pool |
209 |
25 (Pitch Pit) |
205 |
48 |
General Pool |
203 |
48 |
General Pool |
150 A & B |
75 | 75 or 150 |
* General Pool = available to all campus, approved by Registrar via 25Live
COBA = Intended for COBA use, approved by COBA staff (see here for details)
Located in O'Brien 111, contains the following offices:
- Departmental monochrome copier/printers: 111, 315, 405, 448
- Departmental color copier/printer: 215G
- Student Printwise machine: 4th floor hallway
Lockers are available for use by faculty, instructors, staff, and graduate assistants in the following rooms: 240, 328, 448, and basement corridor.
Locker Instructions
- Place items in locker and close door
- On the keypad press C, then enter a 4 to 7 digit code, then press the KEY button.
- Twist the locking lever so it is horizontal. Locker is now locked.
- To unlock, repeat step 2 with the same code used to lock it, and twist the lever to the vertical position. Unlocking the locker automatically clears your code making it available for the next person.
When unlocking, there is a 1-minute timeout period after entering 3 incorrect codes. If you forgot your code or keypad is not responding, staff are able to unlock with a master key.
Movable wall partitions in rooms 150, 226, 436
Event / meeting organizers are responsible for positioning the wall as needed before their event, and returning the wall to the state shown below so it is ready for classes.
Spring 2024:
OB226: Partition wall will be closed/down at all times. Please be prepared to open the wall if your event requires the entire space, and close it again when finished.
OB150 and OB436: There are various classrooms throughout the week requiring the electronic room dividers to be moved. Please be prepared to open/close the wall as required.
- OB150: Monday/Wednesday/Friday should start with divider UP and end with divider DOWN. Tuesday/Thursday should start with divider DOWN and end with divider UP.
- OB436: Monday/Wednesday/Friday should start with divider UP and end with divider DOWN. Tuesday/Thursday should start with divider DOWN and end with divider UP.
Skyfold electronic rising dividers in O'Brien 150 & 436
See 1:20 for raising the wall
The key to operate the wall can be obtained from and returned to Connie Knoll or another staff member in the OB 111 Swift Student Success Center between 8:30am - 4:30 pm Monday-Friday.
Modernfold manual dividing wall in O'Brien 226
See 3:12 for opening the wall
Important: When the wall is open, panels must be "stored" only against the exterior (west) wall of the room. Only that side has the proper structural supports for the weight of the wall when opened.
On the far end of most floors and in the cafe, there are huddle areas with display screens.
The display screens allow students or staff to connect a laptop either via the HDMI cable or via Crestron AirMedia. Follow the instructions on the screen to use AirMedia to wirelessly share your screen from your laptop. You may need to use the small Crestron control panel to switch between AirMedia and HDMI. Huddle areas play digital signage messages when not in use, and will reset to digital signage each morning.