Emerita and Emeritus Faculty
Bankston, Paul
Professor (Emeritus)
Research Interests and Selected Publications
Research interests:
- Interactions between Mathematical Logic and Topology
Selected publications:
- When Hausdorff continua have no gaps, Topology Proceedings 44 (2014), 177--188.
- Road systems and betweenness, Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 3, no. 3 (2013), 389--408.
- Categoricity and topological graphs, Houston Journal of Mathematics, vol. 38, no.1, (2012 ), 295-310.
- Base-free formulas in the lattice-theoretic study of compacta, Archive for Mathematical Logic, vol. 50, no. 5-6 (2011), 531-542.
- On the first-order expressibility of lattice properties related to unicoherence in continua, Archive for Mathematical Logic, Vol. 50, no. 3-4 (2011), 503-512.
- Not every co-existential map is confluent, Houston J. Mathematics, vol. 36, no. (2010), 1233-1242.
Brookshear, Glenn
Associate Professor (Emeritus)
Research Interests and Selected Publications
Research interests:
Selected publications:
- Computer Science: An Overview (2004). 8th edition, Addison-Wesley, pp. 570.
Byleen, Karl
Associate Professor (Emeritus)
Classes Taught, Research Interests and Selected Publications
Classes typically taught:
- Finite Mathematics
- Calculus
- Linear Algebra
- Abstract Algebra
- Foundations of Geometry
Research interests:
- Regular and inverse semigroups
- Embedding theorems for semigroups
Selected publications:
- College Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences, Twelfth Edition, (with Raymond A. Barnett and Michael R. Ziegler) Prentice-Hall, 2011.
- Embedding any countable semigroup in a 2-generated congruence-free semigroup, Semigroup Forum 41 (1990) 145-153.
- Embedding any countable semigroup without idempotents in a 2-generated simple semigroup without idempotents, Glasgow Math. J. 30 (1988), 121-128.
- Karl Byleen, and Francis Pastijn. Implications for Semigroups Embeddable in Orthocryptogroups, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 17 (1987), 463-478.
- Karl Byleen. Inverse Semigroups With Countable Universal Semilattices, Semigroups and Their Applications: Proceedings of the International Conference Held at the California State University, April 10-12, 1986 (edited by Simon M. Goberstein and Peter M. Higgins), D. Reidel (1987), pp. 37-42.
Corliss, George
Professor (Emeritus)
Classes Taught, Research Interests and Selected Publications
Classes typically taught:
- Operating Systems and Networks
- Advise Senior Design teams
Research interests:
- GasDay lab - Energy demand modeling and forecasting
- Scientific computation and mathematical modeling
- Guaranteed enclosures of the solutions of ordinary differential equations
- Industrial applications of mathematics and scientific computation
- Numerical optimization
- Automatic differentiation
- Software engineering
Selected publications:
- Gerry F. Killeen, Samson Kiware, Aklilu Seyoum, John E. Gimnig, George Corliss, and Jennifer Stevenson, Comparative Assessment of Diverse Strategies for Malaria Vector Population Control Based on Measured Rates at Which Mosquitoes Utilize Targeted Resource Subsets, Malaria Journal, 13(1), 2014.
- Ronald H. Brown, David Clark, George Corliss, Farrokh Nourzad, Thomas F. Quinn, and Catherine Twetten, Forecasting Natural Gas Demand: The Role of Physical and Economic Factors, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International Symposium on Forecasting (2012).
- Joshua A. Enszer, Youdong Lin, Scott Ferson, George Corliss, Mark A. Stadtherr, Probability Bounds Analysis for Nonlinear Dynamic Process Models, AIChE Journal, 57(2), 2011, 404 - 422.
- Steven R. Vitullo, Ronald H. Brown, George F. Corliss, and Brian M. Marx, Mathematical Models for Natural Gas Forecasting, Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 17(4), 2009.
- John D. Pryce and George F. Corliss, Interval Arithmetic with Containment Sets, Computing, 78(3), 2006, 251-276.
- H. Martin Bücker, George Corliss, Paul Hovland, Uwe Naumann, Boyana Norris, Automatic Differentiation: Applications, Theory, and Implementations: Applications, Theory and Implementations, Springer, New York, 2006.
Deshpande, Madhukar
Associate Professor (Emeritus)
Factor, Kim
Associate Professor (Emerita)
Office: Cudahy Hall 332
Phone: (414) 288-7941
Classes Taught, Research Interests and Selected Publications
Classes typically taught:
- Foundation of Mathematics
- Linear Algebra
- Applied Combinatorics
Research interests:
- Graph Theory
- Domination Graphs
- Competition Graphs
- Ranks of (0,1)-matrices
Selected publications:
- K. Factor, L.J. Langley, Kings and heirs: a characterization of the (2,2)-domination graphs of a tournament, Discrete Applied Math., 204 (2016) 142-149
- K. Factor, S. Merz, and Y. Sano, The (1-2)-step competition number of a graph, Congressus Numerantium 215, (2013) 153-161.
- K. Factor and L. Langley, A characterization of connected (1,2)-domination graphs of tournaments, AKCE Int. J. Graphs Comb., 8, No. 1 (2011), 51-62.
- K. Factor and S. Merz, The (1,2)-Step competition graph of a tournament, Discrete Appl. Math. 159 (2011), 100–103.
- K. Factor and L. Langley, Digraphs with isomorphic underlying and domination graphs: Pairs of Paths Australas. J. Combin. 48 (2010), 25-41.
- K. Factor and L. Langley, Digraphs with isomorphic underlying and domination graphs: Pairs of paths in UGc(D), JCMCC 72, 2010, 3–30.
Hanneken, Clem
Professor (Emeritus)
Hamedani, Gholamhossein
Professor (Emeritus)
Classes Taught, Research Interests and Selected Publications
Classes typically taught:
- Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistics
- Elementary Statistics
- Statistical Methods
- Multivariate Analysis
- Probability Theory
- Regression Analysis
Research interests:
- Probability
- Statistics, Analysis
Selected publications:
- Hamedani, G.G. and Arnold, B.C., Bivariate, multivariate and matrix-variate normal characterizations: A brief survey II, Commun. In Statist.: Theo-Meth., Vol. 46 (2017), 11949-11071.
- Hamedani, G.G., Merovci, F., Alizadeh, M. and Yousof, H.M., The exponentiated transmuted_G family of distributions: Theory and applications, Commun. in Statist.: Theo-Meth., Vol. 46, (2017), 10800-10822.
- Hamedani, G.G., Yousof, H.M., Alizadeh, M., Jahanshahi, M.A., Ramires, T.G. and Ghosh, I., The transmuted Topp-Leone G family of distributions: Theory, Characterizations and Applications, JDS, Vol. 15 (2017), 723-740.
- Hamedani, G.G., Afify, A.Z., Altun, E., Alizadeh, M. and Ozel, G., The odd exponentiated half-logistic-G family: Properties, characterizations and applications, Chilean J. of Statistics, Vol. 8 (2017), 65-91.
- Hamedani, G.G., Alizadeh, M., Ozel, G., Altun, E. and Abdi, M., The odd log-logistic Marshall-Olkin Lindley model for lifetime data, JSTA, Vol. 16 (2017), 382-400.
- Hamedani, G.G., Yousof, H.M., Afify, A.Z. and Aryal, G., The Burr X generator of distributions for lifetime data, JSTA, Vol. 16 (2017), 288-305.
- Hamedani, G.G., Alizadeh, M., Ghosh, I., Yousof, H.M. and Rasekhi, M., The generalized odd generalized exponential family of distributions: properties, Characterizations and Application, J. of Data Science (JDS), Vol. 15 (2017), 443-466.
- Hamedani, G.G., Alizadeh, M. and Merovci, F., Generalized transmuted family of distributions: properties and applications, Hacettepe J. Math. And Stat. (HJMS), Vol. 46 (2017), 645-667.
Harris, Douglas
Professor (Emeritus)
Classes Taught, Research Interests and Selected Publications
Classes typically taught:
- Computer Networks
- Information Representation
- Unix System Administration
Research interests:
- Patterns of Protocols
- Separation of Concerns
- New Internet Architecture
- General Topology
Selected publications:
- Processing and Persistence, Conference on Software Engineering 2010, Education Track.
- An Implementation of a Skeleton for Presentation, Conference on Software Software Engineering 2010, Education Track
- Patterns of Protocols, Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Foundations of Computer Science, 67, pp. 114-120, 2007.
- Object-Oriented Networking, with Unix and Java. Notes with drafts of chapters.
- Unix Networking, (3 chapters), Hayden Unix Systems Library, 1989.
Jones, Peter
Professor (Emeritus)
Classes Taught, Research Interests and Selected Publications
Classes typically taught:
- Calculus
- Mathematics for High School teachers
- Abstract Algebra
- Linear Algebra
- Foundations of mathematics
Research interests:
- Algebraic Theory of Semigroups
- Currently particularly interested in restriction semigroups
Selected publications:
Kaiser, Kate
Associate Professor (Emerita)
College of Business Administration
Krenz, Gary
Professor (Emeritus)
Office: Cudahy Hall 379
Phone: (414) 288-6345
Classes Taught, Research Interests and Selected Publications
Classes typically taught:
Research interests:
- Biomathematical Modelling
- Pulmonary Hemodynamics
- Microangiographic Measurements
- Vascular Biology
- Endothelial Cell/Drug Interactions
Selected publications:
- Robert D. Bongard, Gary S. Krenz, Adam J. Gastonguay, Carol L. Williams, Brian J. Lindemer, Marilyn P. Merker, Characterization of the Threshold for NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase Activity in Intact Sulforaphane-treated Pulmonary Arterial Endothelial Cells, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Volume 50, Issue 8, 15 April 2011, Pages 953-962.
- Rahul Shingrani, Gary Krenz, Robert C. Molthen. Automation Process for Morphometric Analysis of Volumetric CT Data from Pulmonary Vasculature in Rats, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 97(1): 62-77, 2010.
- Robert Molthen, QingPing Wu, Shelly Baumgart, Laura Kohlhepp, Rahul Shingrani and Gary Krenz. Arterial Morphology Responds Differently to Captopril than N-acetycysteine in a Monocrotaline Rat Model of Pulmonary Hypertension, Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), vol. 7626, March 2010.
- Hans Volkmer, Anne V. Clough, G.G. Hamedani, Albert William Manuel, S.J. and Gary Krenz. Complete Monotonicity of Flow and Cross-sectional Impulse Response Functions for Rigid Right Circular Tubes, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 352:702-710, 2009.
- Robert Molthen, QingPing Wu, Gary Krenz, Meetha Medhora, Elizabeth Jacobs and John E. Moulder. Imaging Radiation Pneumonitis in a Rat Model of a Radiological Terrorism Incident, Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering(SPIE), vol 7262, February 2009.
Pastijn, Francis
Professor (Emeritus)
Classes Taught, Research Interests and Selected Publications
Classes typically taught:
- Foundation of Mathematics
- Calculus 3
- Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory
Research interests:
- Algebra : groups, semigroups, lattices, universal algebra, semirings.
Selected publications:
- J. Albert and F. Pastijn. Free split bands, Semigroup Forum, (2014), 1-10.
- L. Oliveira and F. Pastijn. Rees matrix covers and the translational hull of a locally inverse semigroup, Communications in Algebra, 36 (2008), 3230-3249.
- L. Oliveira and F. Pastijn. Ideal extensions of locally inverse semigroups, Studia Sci. Math. Hungary, 45 (2008), 395-409.
- L. Oliveira and F. Pastijn. Dense ideal extensions of strict regular semigroups, Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 4 (2006), 67-80.
- F. Pastijn and L. Oliveira. Maximal dense ideal extensions of locally inverse semigroups, Semigroup Form 72 (2006), 441-458.
- F. Pastijn. Weak commutativity in idempotent semirings, Semigroup 72, (2006), 283-311.
Merrill, Stephen
Professor (Emeritus)
Classes Taught, Research Interests and Selected Publications
Classes typically taught:
- Applied Mathematical Analysis
- Applied Linear Algebra
Research interests:
- Mathematical models in immunology utilizing a variety of methods including differential equations and stochastic techniques
- The role of randomness in dynamical systems
- Creativity and dreaming
Selected publications:
- S.J. Merrill and B. Pandiyan, Untangling thyroid autoimmunity through modeling and simulation, Frontiers in Bioscience (Landmark Ed) 23:1889-1901 (2018)
- B. Pandiyan, S.J. Merrill, F. Di Bari, A. Antonelli, S. Benvenga, A patient-specific treatment model for Graves' hyperthyroidism, Theoretical Biology & Medical Modeling 15(1) (2018)
- S.J. Merrill and S.B. Minucci, Thyroid autoimmunity: an interplay of factors, Vitamins and Hormones, 106:129-146 (2018)
- D.E. Godar and S.J. Merrill, Untangling the most probable role for vitamin D3 in autism, Dermato-Endocrinology 9(1): e1387702 (2017)
- J. Sharma, B. Wisniewski, E. Paulson, J. Obaoye, S.J. Merrill, and A.L. Manogaran, De novo [PSI+] prion formation involves multiple pathways to form infectious oligomers, Scientific Reports 7(76) (2017)
- Y. Mu, D.E. Godar, S.J. Merrill, A perspective on the challenges and issues in developing biomarkers for human allergic risk assessments, Biomarkers in Medicine (2017)
- L.C. Savery, R. Viñas, A. Nagy, P. Pradeep, S. J. Merrill, A.M. Hood, S.G. Malghan, P.L. Goering, R.P. Brown, Deriving a provisional tolerable intake for intravenous exposure to silver nanoparticles released from medical devices, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology (2017)
Moyer, John
Professor (Emeritus)
Office: Cudahy Hall 366
Phone: (414) 288-5299
Classes Taught, Research Interests and Selected Publications
Classes typically taught:
- Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
- Calculus
Research interests:
- Development of Algebraic Thinking; Curriculum Effectiveness
- Pre-Service Teacher Education
- NSF-funded research project: A Longitudinal Investigation of the Effects of Curriculum on Algebraic Learning (LieCal), 2004-2015
Selected publications:
- Cai, J., Nie, B., Moyer, J. C., & Wang, N., Teaching Mathematics using Standards-based and Traditional Curricula: A Case of Variable Ideas. In Y. Li & G. Lappan (Eds.), Mathematics Curriculum in School Education (pp. 391-415). New York, NY: Springer, 2014.
- Cai, J., Moyer, J. C., & Wang, N., Longitudinal Investigation of the Effect of Middle School Curriculum on Learning in High School. In A. M. Lindmeier & A. Heinze (Eds.), Proceedings of the 37th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology in Mathematics Education (pp. 137-144). Kiel, Germany: PME, 2013.
- Nie, B., Freedman, T., Hwang, S., Wang, N., Moyer, J. C., & Cai, J., An Investigation of Teachers’ Intentions and Reflections about using Standards-based and Traditional Textbooks in the Classroom. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik (ZDM—International Journal on Mathematics Education), 45(5), 699-711, 2013.
- Magiera, M., van den Kieboom, L., & Moyer, J. C., An Exploratory Study of Pre-service Middle School Teachers' Knowledge of Algebraic Thinking. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 84(1), 94-113, 2013.
- van den Kieboom, L., Magiera, M., & Moyer, J. C. Exploring the relationship between K-8 prospective teachers’ algebraic thinking proficiency and the questions they pose during diagnostic algebraic thinking interviews. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education: Volume 17, Issue 5, 429-461, 2014.
- Cai, J., Moyer, J. C., Wang, N., Hwang, S., Nie, B., & Garber, T., Mathematical Problem Posing as a Measure of Curricular Effect on Students' Learning. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 83(1), 57-69, 2012.
Slattery, Michael
Associate Professor (Emeritus)
Office: Cudahy Hall 309
Phone: (414) 288-6595
Classes Taught, Research Interests and Selected Publications
Classes typically taught:
- Calculus
- Abstract Algebra
- Programming Computer Games
- Programming languages
Research interests:
- Algebra
- Group Theory
- Computational Algebra
Selected publications:
- Hamedani, Gholamhossein G. and Michael C. Slattery. "Remarks on a paper of Lee and Lim." Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society (JCMS) 27.3 (2014): 475-477.
- Slattery, Michael C. Groups, Computation and Geometry, "Character degrees of some p-groups of maximal class," Colorado State University, Pingree Park. (June 2014)
- Slattery, Michael C., Ohio State-Denison Group Theory Conference, Moufang Loops of Order 243, Columbus, Ohio. (May 2012).
- Slattery, Michael C. "Character Degrees of Normally Monomial Maximal Class 5-groups." Contemporary Mathematics 524. (2010): 153-159.
- Slattery, Michael C. "Generation of Groups of Square-free Order." Journal of Symbolic Computation 42.6 (2007): 668-677
- Havas, G., C. Leedham-Green, E. O'Brien, and Michael C. Slattery. "Certain Roman and flock generalized quadrangles have nonisomorphic elation groups." Advances in Geometry 6. (2006): 389-395.