Graduate Student Directory

Jesse Adikorley Jesse Ishmael Adikorley
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Functional Time Series Analysis
Advisor: Dr. Mehdi Maadooliat
Cudahy 368
  Praful Aggarwal
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
  David Aguilera
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, M.S.
  Noor Ahmed
Bioinformatics, M.S.
  Numair Ali
Bioinformatics, M.S.
John Bodenschatz John Bodenschatz
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
fMRI Analysis
Advisor: Dr. Dan Rowe
Cudahy 357
  Brygida Boryczka
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Jeremy Buss Jeremy Buss
Applied Statistics, M.S.
  Mojdeh Choubineh
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Emily Corcoran Emily Corcoran
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Breast Imaging with Electrical Impedance Tomography
Advisor: Dr. Sarah Hamilton
Cudahy 421
  Ethan Corr
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Soroush Dehkordi Soroush M. Dehkordi
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Bioinformatics, Population Genetics
Advisor: Dr. Mehdi Maadooliat
Cudahy 368
Nathan Dobbins Nathan Dobbins
Bioinformatics, M.S.
  Fatima Farooq
Bioinformatics, M.S.
  Fereshteh Hosseinzadeh
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
  Zuleihat Idris
Bioinformatics, M.S.
  Matthew Jaeggin
Bioinformatics, M.S.
Shahryar Karimi Shahryar Karimi
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Cudahy 357
  Kaitlyn Lampe
Bioinformatics, M.S.
Megan Lantz Megan Lantz
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Image Reconstruction, Iterative Optimization Algorithms, Neural Networks
Advisor: Dr. Greg Ongie
Cudahy 357
  Vanessa Lattas
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
  Edward Liu
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Joey Lyon Joseph Lyon
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Linked Emulators with Coupled Systems
Advisor: Dr. Elaine Spiller
Cudahy 421
  Sylvester Mensah
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Navid Mohseni Navid Mohseni
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Cudahy 357
Mahrokh Najaf Mahrokh Najaf
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Advisor: Dr. Greg Ongie
Cudahy 357
Shirin Nezampour Shirin Nezampour
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Time Series Analysis, Dimension Reduction, Functional Data Analysis
Advisor: Dr. Mehdi Maadooliat
Cudahy 368
  Michael Nichols
Mathematics for Secondary School Teachers, M.S.
  Gabriel Odunga
Mathematics for Secondary School Teachers, M.S.
  David Okposio
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Sambhavi Patel Sambhavi Patel
Bioinformatics, M.S.
Mobina Pourmoshir Mobina Pourmoshir
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Functional Data Analysis
Advisor: Dr. Mehdi Maadooliat
Cudahy 368
Eric Redmon Eric Redmon
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Enumerative Combinatorics
Advisor: Dr. Jay Pantone
Cudahy 357
Josh Seidman Josh Seidman
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Cudahy 357
Thomas Shomer Thomas Shomer
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Advisor: Dr. Marta Magiera
Cudahy 357
  Kathryn Shore
Applied Statistics, M.S.
Marek Trawicki Marek Trawicki
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Biomass Gasification
Advisor: Dr. Simcha Singer
Josephine Walk Josephine Walk
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Ke Xu Ke Xu
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Image Reconstruction of fMRI
Advisor: Dr. Dan Rowe
Cudahy 410
  Sanaz Yousefpanah
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
  Tanjina Zaman
Applied Statistics, M.S.
  Qishi Zhan
Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Ph.D.
Advisor: Dr. Cheng-Han Yu