Deep Learning Workshop
The Office of Statistical Consulting and Training at Marquette University is hosting its 5th Annual Deep Learning Workshop on Friday March 14, 2025. The main theme of the workshop is generative AI and includes hands-on sessions. The event is free for all students, and at a minimal cost for faculty and others. Breakfast and lunch are provided. More information can be found on the registration page.
Welcome Dr. Choi!
The department extends a warm welcome to Dr. Jaihee Choi, who has joined our department faculty this year.
2024 Departmental Award Winners
Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Departmental Awards!
Patrick Campbell
Outstanding Statistics Senior Award
Vanessa Lattas
Outstanding Mathematics and Statistics Senior Award
Sneha Mathew
Outstanding Data Science Senior Award
Adam Reeson
Outstanding Mathematics and Statistics Senior Award
Leena Shah
Miriam Connellan Mathematics Senior Award
Recent News
Dr. Elaine Spiller and four collaborators have received an NSF grant for $197,844 for their project “Planning: CHIRRP: Increasing resilience to fire through prefire assessments of postfire flow hazards: Co-producing solutions with communities.”
Dr. Jay Pantone and three collaborators have received an NSF research grant for $749,996 for their project "AI-HELP: Artificial Intelligence for Humanizing and Enhancing the Learning of Proofs."
Dr. Andrew Schopieray has been awarded research funding from the Office of the Provost for his project "Conductors of Modular Tensor Categories." Congratulations!
Congratulations to Dr. Greg Ongie for receiving Marquette University's Way Klingler Early Career award!
Dr. Hossein Hamedani has been awarded Marquette University's prestigious Lawrence G. Haggerty Faculty Award for Research Excellence. Congratulations Dr. Hamedani!