Please refer to the chart below to indicate which courses we offer tutoring for and which format is provided for each.

Small Group Tutoringcolorful board

Small group tutoring is a weekly committment. Students are required to sign-up. Sessions happen weekly at the same time and are an hour in length. Students may sign up for 1 small group per subject they are enrolled in. Groups will consist of 1 tutor and up to 6 students.

Sign-up for small group tutoring will be available on the first day of class. The link will be provided on our main page.

If the group times listed do not fit your schedule, you can place yourself on our waitlist. We ask that students list all availability they have when joining the waitlist. This allows us more flexibility to create groups based on the students' and tutors' schedules.

Large Group Tutoringnursing

Large group does not require a sign-up. Students can attend as they would like. Sessions are 1.5 hours in length, including structured review and time for Q&A. Large group sessions will have 2 or 3 tutors present to lead the session.  Please arrive on time.

Questions: please email


Small Group Tutoring

Large Group Tutoring

Business Administration

ACCO 1030 - Financial Accounting

ACCO 1031 - Managerial Accounting

BUAD 1560 - Introduction to Statistics and Business Analytics

ECON 1103 - Microeconomics

ECON 1104 - Macroeconomics 



BIOL 1001  - Biology I

BIOL 1002 - Biology II
(Spring semester only)

CHEM 1001 - Chemistry I

CHEM 1002 - Chemistry II

BISC 2015 - Anatomy & Physiology
(Fall semester only)

BISC 1035- Principles of Human Anatomy (Spring semester only)

BISC 2016 - Anatomy & Physiology
(Spring semester only)

BISC 3135 - Human Anatomy (Fall only)

BISC 3213 - Biochemistry (Spring only)

CHEM 2111 - Organic Chemistry I
(Fall semester only)

CHEM 2112 - Organic Chemistry II (Spring semester only)

Nursing /
Excercise Physiology


EXPH 2045 - Human Physiology
(Fall semester only)

EXPH 2110 (Fall semester only)

EXPH 2115 - Exercise Physiology
(Spring semester only)

NURS 2100 - Pathophysiology (Fall semester)

NURS 2110 - Pharmacology
(Spring semester only)

NURS 2200 - Pathophysiology II
(Spring semester only)


MATH 1200 - Precalculus

MATH 1400 - Calculus

MATH 1450 - Calculus I

MATH 1455 - Calculus II

MATH 1700 - Statistics



PHYS 1001 (Fall semester only)

PHYS 1002 (Spring semester only)




 PSYC 1001