The MSAE program requires 30 credit hours of graduate course work, a research project, and a final oral examination. The MSAE curriculum is summarized below, is visualized through this flowchart, and available, with course descriptions, within the University Bulletin.

MSAE Core Courses (12 credits)

Applied Econometrics, ECON 6560
Applied Time-Series Economic Forecasting, ECON 6561
Microeconomic Theory and Applications, ECON 6503
Macroeconomic Theory and Applications, ECON 6504
Master's Professional Project & Comprehensive Exam, ECON 6998

Specializations & Electives (18 credits)

In addition to the core, students complete their remaining credits of coursework by choosing a specialization.  The MSAE program offers five different specialty areas.  Click below to see the different requirements of each.

Business Economics Specialization

Applied Economic Analysis Specialization

Business and Managerial Analytics Specialization

Financial Economics Specialization

Marketing Research Specialization


Earn the Business and Managerial Analytics Certificate with no additional credits.

Students who pursue the Applied Economic Analysis specialization can carefully select courses to earn the Business and Managerial Analytics (BMAN) Certificate without enrolling in credits beyond the 30 required for the MSAE.  Students interested in earning the master’s and certificate should apply for both programs at the beginning of their MSAE studies.

Students pursuing the Business Economics specialization could pursue the BMAN Certificate with 3 additional credits.  Students pursuing the Financial Economics and Marketing Research specializations can earn the specialization through enrollment in 6 additional credits.  Students may not specialize and earn a certificate in the same area, so students pursuing the MSAE Business and Managerial Analytics specialization may not also earn the certificate.

Learning Outcomes

As one of many methods of assuring that the goals of our educational mission are successfully met, the college regularly and systematically engages in the assessment of a variety of competencies. As part of this assurance of learning, each program defines and collects data on learning outcomes; statements of the knowledge, skills and attitudes that we want our graduates to possess. We use them for continuous improvement and they are the criteria on which organizations such as AACSB evaluate our accreditation.

The following are the learning outcomes in our MSAE program.

Students who graduate from the MSAE program will be able to successfully design and complete an empirical research project that includes: