
Business Advising & Registration Central

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Registration Extras

General Registration, Summer and J-Session Courses, Accelerated Degree Program Information and other Frequently Asked Questions around Registration.


General Course Registration Information

Marquette Central: help and information on registering for classes

Summer Studies and J-Session Studies at Marquette University

Transfer Central For students considering a course at another U.S. institution for transfer to Marquette. Review equivalencies and use the External Transfer Course Request pre-approval prior to enrolling in a course at another institution.

  • The final 30 credits needed to complete a Marquette undergraduate degree must be earned as Marquette credits, unless those credits are earned in an approved study abroad program.
  • MATH 1400 and all business courses must be taken at Marquette University; exceptions are made for students studying abroad.
  • Test and transfer courses that are equivalent to approved MCC courses may be applied to fulfill MCC requirements, with the following exceptions: 1) CORE 4929 must be completed at Marquette, 2) CORE 1929 and WRIT courses apply only by approval from the director of the MCC requested via the Marquette Core Curriculum Substitution form.

Accelerated Degree Program Information

Accelerated Degree Programs (ADP) provide opportunities for current Marquette University undergraduate students to continue into a master's degree after completing their bachelor's degree.  ADP students take graduate-level classes during their junior or senior years. Courses meet requirements for both undergraduate and graduate degrees.  With proper planning, ADP students can complete a master's degree in one additional academic year.  Students may transfer up to 9 graduate credits into business ADP programs, increasing master’s completion time and helping students save over $11,500!

Frequently Asked Questions about Registration

  • Add/Drop Deadline: Students can add and drop courses until a set date on the university’s Academic Calendar each semester. Classes are added or removed from the academic record when students add or drop those classes before the deadline to Add/Drop.
  • Under 12 credits: Enrollment in a minimum of 12 credits = full-time enrollment status. Enrollment in 9-11 credits = three-quarter time enrollment status. Enrollment in 6-8 credits = half-time enrollment status. Enrollment in fewer than 6 credits = less than half-time status. If planning to enroll in less than 12 credits review Bursar information and any Financial Aid implications.
  • Course withdrawal: After the add/drop course deadline, classes remain permanently on students' records and may not be removed. The period for withdrawing from classes (W grade), or the term, is the day after the last day to add/drop for a session, until the withdrawal deadline, as specified in the Academic Calendar. After the withdrawal deadline, students who wish to withdraw, are assigned the appropriate grade. Steps on how to withdraw through CheckMarq. Single Course Withdrawal Form if your drop causes you to be under 12 credits, and Implications on Financial Aid.
  • Credit load (maximum): Students in the college of business can take a maximum of 19 credits in a fall or spring term, and 8/16 in the summer (per session total/total per summer term). Juniors and seniors may be allowed to carry more than the maximum college established credit load, with the consent of Assistant Dean Krey. Students should submit a course overload request form in advance of a semester's add/drop deadline.
  • Dual Enrollment: Can a student take courses at two institutions at once, including or not including Marquette University coursework? Yes, during summer and J-Session if not overlapping with Marquette University's schedule. Marquette students who wish to take classes at another institution must have the courses approved by their home college office prior to attending that institution. See the summer coursework information above within Registration Information.
  • Holds: Student holds and how to remove? Students are responsible for taking the steps necessary to ensure that all holds on registration have been cleared before attempting to enroll in classes. CheckMarq will prevent students from registering if a student has an active hold on their record. The hold description in a student’s CheckMarq account will share information on how to resolve it.
  • Thinking of transferring to another college at Marquette? Colleges at Marquette University, including business accept internal student transfers each semester. Each college may have their own requirements for entry, but all students interested in transferring must complete the Internal Transfer form to be considered for review. It is recommended that students meet with the desired college to understand any transfer requirements.
  • University Wait List Information Students have the option to add their name to a course wait list. See the Academic Calendar for the deadline to add yourself to a wait list. Wait list process and FAQs
  • Wait lists: How do they work, do I use the swap function, is it a guarantee, can a student join multiple wait lists? See information above on University Wait Lists within the Registration Information section or visit the University Wait List webpage.